Chapter 16 - The New Queen Bee

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Seemingly overnight, Mara had become the most popular girl in the Senior class. The next Monday at school Charlie looked for her, wanting to discuss the Instagram message. When she found her, Mara was sitting in the middle of a bunch of people, telling a story about her summer somewhere on a yacht. A freaking yacht. How rich did you have to be to do something like that? Charlie had only seen pictures of models and famous people on yachts.

Everyone's eyes were glued to Mara, listening attentively as she spoke. When she finished her story, Charlie stepped in the circle to get her attention.

"Hey Mara, can I talk to you for a second?" she asked.

"Sure! See you guys around!" Mara got up and waved to the group. They looked disappointed she was leaving.

As they walked away, Charlie wasn't sure how to start. She was realizing more and more that she didn't really know this girl at all. "So, um," she began.

Before she could keep going a girl named Tracy walked by and grabbed Mara's arm. "Mar, I'm so sorry about you and Shawn! I heard you broke up, are you ok?"

Mara covered the girl's hand with her own appreciatively. "Thanks Trace, I'll be ok. I just didn't expect it."

'Mar? Trace?' Charlie thought. Charlie had been at school with Tracy for 2 years and they had never gotten close enough to use nicknames.

Tracy gave Mara a quick hug. "Well, his loss. See you around girl!" she said, walking away.

"I'm sorry about Shawn too," Charlie added.

"He was awful. I'm probably better off," Mara said. "He always talked down to me."

Charlie felt a weird, uneasy feeling in her stomach. She wasn't sure if it was because she was nervous to bring up the Instagram message, or because Shawn had said something eerily similar about Mara. Or maybe it was the fact that she had imagined several completely forbidden scenarios over the weekend involving herself and Shawn wearing very little clothing. She pushed those thoughts away. She was here for some answers.

Charlie took a deep breath. "This girl messaged me about a week ago. She said something about you that was a little strange... she told me you got kicked out Bridgeport High for hitting her in the face with a brick?"

"What?" Mara blinked at her. "She said I hit her?"

"Yeah," Charlie continued. "She sent a picture as well... but you never know with people online. I thought it was possible that it was one of the girls that bullied you, trying to mess with you some more?"

Mara's eyes were wide. "Oh my god. Yeah! I can't believe she tried to say I hit her! That's not what happened."

Charlie exhaled in relief. "Ok, cool. Wow I'm so sorry, this girl is awful for trying to ruin your reputation at a new school."

"Ugh, yeah," Mara said. "Why won't she just leave me alone?"

"I'm gonna block her right now, don't worry." Charlie opened up her phone and hit the block button on the app. "See? Done."

"Thank you," Mara said gratefully. "I appreciate that a lot."

They walked to their next classes together because they were both headed to the West Wing. Along the way, more people said hi to Mara, or checked to see if she was ok because of her breakup.

"Hey, before I forget, I'm having a party this weekend at my house. You should totally come!" Mara called after Charlie as she headed inside her classroom.

Charlie realized maybe that was what explained her newfound popularity. That and being rich. Nothing motivated people to be nice to you like getting an invite to a big party you were throwing.

She nodded, "Sure, I'll be there."

**Were you surprised to hear Mara's answer? Also, what do you think is going to happen at this party? You'll see next chapter! Xx

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