Chapter 22 - Don't Trip

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Charlie and Shawn did not have sex. 

She told him about her last relationship and how she wasn't sure when she would be ready to do that again, and he totally understood. But that didn't mean they didn't do anything else. He asked if they could keep seeing each other. She said yes. She figured she might as well jump headfirst into whatever this was. But they agreed not to tell anyone for the time being. Or at least, no one who would tell Mara.

Things at school the next week were just about the same as they had been the week before. People still looked at Charlie like she was the scum of the earth, especially after Mara's latest party. Charlie heard all about it on Monday morning. Not directly, of course. Taylor told her she didn't miss much, but every time she caught pieces of conversation in the hallway, that's what people were talking about. In a weird way, she was glad she didn't go. She thought it was embarrassing when people fell all over themselves to be friends with someone just because they had money. She was relieved she didn't have to pretend to like Mara.

That Friday she was walking up the stairs as Mara was walking down. Charlie tried to give her a wide berth, for obvious reasons, as well as avoid eye contact. But after she passed Mara, Charlie felt a hand grab her foot, throwing her off balance as she tried to climb the next step. She fell forward, dropping her books and nearly landing face first onto the stairs.

Charlie looked over her shoulder. She wasn't surprised when she saw Mara still standing there.

"Slut," Mara mouthed, before turning and walking away. Charlie got up and rubbed her wrist, which had taken the brunt of the fall. She shook with anger as she picked up her books. Of course no one had been around to see that. At this point, even if they had been, would they care?

Her mood lifted immediately when Wyatt called her after school that day. He sounded apprehensive, but friendly. Charlie was just happy to talk to him, no matter what they talked about. Eventually though, he brought up their last conversation.

"So how are things with that Mara girl?" he asked.

"Not great, she tried to trip me today," Charlie answered. "And I know that sounds like it's not a big deal, but because of the way she did it I nearly smashed my face into the stairs, and I really hurt my wrist."

"Ouch," he replied. "So I take it she didn't accept your apology."

"Not in the slightest," Charlie said.

He sighed. "She will calm down eventually. I mean, it's not like you had sex with her boyfriend. It was just a drunk kiss." His tone was matter-of-fact, as if he had been thinking about this on his own before he called her.

"Right," Charlie said, feeling uncomfortable. "It was her ex-boyfriend, by the way."

"Well, it still wasn't ok," Wyatt's voice changed. "You were at her house."

Charlie sighed. "I know that, everyone knows that, and apparently I will suffer for it until the end of time."

"It wasn't all your fault. It was Shawn's. I hope he rots in hell."

"Whoa, Wyatt." Charlie didn't like Wyatt cursing Shawn that way.

"Whoa what? He deserves it," he said simply.

Charlie knew she shouldn't say this, but she couldn't help herself. "He doesn't. He just escaped a really crappy relationship with an abusive girl. We kind of have some stuff in common."

"Why are you defending him?" Wyatt asked. When Charlie didn't answer right away, he seemed to be figuring something out. "Are you still seeing him?"

"What if I am?" Charlie gave up.

Now Wyatt was upset. "You're dating this guy?"

"I don't know. Maybe. At this point, why does it matter?" Charlie asked.

"Why does it matter, are you kidding me right now?" Wyatt said in disbelief.

"It just felt like you and everyone else threw me in the garbage for what I did. I can't undo it now. And Shawn... doesn't make me feel like that."

"I would never throw you... Wow Charlie. Ok, you know what? Fine, as long as you're aware that he's using you," Wyatt said.

Charlie hesitated. "What do you mean?"

"He knew that getting together with you would have serious consequences for you, and he still did it. That's extremely selfish of him," he answered.

"He feels terrible about that. But he just has really strong feelings for me, you can't always help who you fall for," Charlie disagreed.

Wyatt paused for a moment. "No Charlie, I have really strong feelings for you. I've been in love with you since this summer. And I know you feel something for me too. That's why you miss me when we don't talk. That's why you blush when I touch you. It's why you still want me around. But I understand you still need time, and that's fine with me."

"Wyatt, I," Charlie started.

"No," he interrupted her. "Now I'm the one that needs time. I gotta go."

He hung up the phone.

**I gotta ask... are you Team Wyatt or Team Shawn?

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