Chapter 28 - Maybe Even Better

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"What are you doing here?!" Charlie asked, completely surprised to see Wyatt standing there with Taylor and Ben, holding a bouquet of roses.

He smiled and walked over to give her a hug. "I heard the star of Saint Peters' play was the next Katharine Hepburn, had to come see it for myself."

She hugged him back, laughing. "I don't know about all that. But it's good to see you."

Taylor and Ben came over to hug her as well.

"Aww you guys didn't have to come see me in this twice," Charlie said.

"Closing night is always the best performance, or so I've heard," Taylor smiled.

"Great job once again, Charlie," Ben complimented her.

The four of them headed toward the refreshments table that had been set up in the back of the auditorium. Everybody Charlie walked by took a moment to praise her for her performance. By the time they reached the table, she had smiled so much her face hurt.

"Charlie!" Mrs. Newman called out when she saw her. She walked over to her and her friends. "Bravo, once again! Please tell me you decided to apply to the Art Institute?"

"The Art Institute?" Taylor asked, eyebrows raised. She knew Cassius went there.

"Yeah, Mrs. Newman thinks I could get in to their Theater program," Charlie explained, giving her a look.

"My letter of recommendation is all ready to go," Mrs. Newman said. "And I can take a look at your application if you like, help you polish it."

"Charlie that's a great idea," Wyatt said. "You should definitely do something with acting after high school."

Charlie felt anxiety creeping into her chest.

"Yeah, I mean, I'd love to. But I thought maybe I could try theater arts at a regular University? Could I use your letter for another school?" she asked Mrs. Newman.

She frowned. "You could, but I have connections at the Art Institute. A letter from me could almost guarantee your acceptance there, but I don't know about other Universities. Plus, their program is the best of its kind. Since it's an art school you could make all kinds of industry connections if you went there."

"Oh," Charlie said, realizing what Mrs. Newman was offering.

"Let me know by Monday, dear. Enjoy the rest of your night, you deserve it!" she said, patting her on the back and leaving.

"Charlie, I know what you're afraid of, and I'm telling you right now, you better not let that stop you," Taylor said as soon as she walked away. Ben nodded in agreement.

Wyatt was confused. "What are you afraid of?"

Charlie sighed. "Cassius goes to that school."

A look of understanding crossed Wyatt's face. "Oh."

"He does, but so what? The Charlie I know wouldn't let anyone stand in the way of her future," Taylor said.

She was right. Ever since Mrs. Newman brought it up, Charlie had been scared of the idea of being around Cassius again, as if she wouldn't be strong enough to handle it. But the mere fact that she had gotten through this year proved to her that she was.

At the time Cassius and Charlie broke up, she was the girl that would let a guy dictate her future. She was a mess, and she felt absolutely broken. But after he was gone, life had continued. She hadn't always wanted to get up and face each day, but she did. She made a bunch of mistakes, but she also did a few things right. She found out who her real friends were, she dated someone new, and she found something to be passionate about.

She didn't feel so broken anymore. Slightly cracked, a little dented, maybe. But maybe even better than she was before.

"I'm going to apply," Charlie said, nodding. "You're right. I can't let Cassius stand in my way."

"That's my girl!" Taylor cheered.

Wyatt put his hand on her shoulder. "Charlie, could we talk for a second?"

"Sure," she said, giving Taylor and Ben an apologetic look. Wyatt obviously wanted to talk alone.

They walked away from the crowd so they could be private.

"So," he started.

"So," she replied.

He smiled. "I missed you, a lot."

Charlie couldn't exactly say the same. She had been so busy with everything in her life that she didn't have much time to think about boys. And when she did, he wasn't the one she was thinking about.

"Well I'm glad you came tonight," she said, sidestepping the obvious response.

"Do you remember what I said last time we talked?" he asked.

Charlie knew she needed to have this conversation. It wasn't fair to Wyatt to avoid it.

She sighed. "I do. And you weren't wrong, there has been something between us. I leaned on you after Cassius, probably too much, and I'm so sorry if I lead you on. Whatever it is between us, I still can't see us being any more than friends."

Wyatt nodded and looked down. "You're still not ready."

Charlie shook her head. "No, that's not what I'm saying, I'm saying..."

"You picked him over me," Wyatt finished for her.

"I'm saying I just see us as friends, Wyatt. And yes, I did pick Shawn, but we broke up," Charlie replied warily. She expected him to be upset, but she still wasn't sure how upset he would get.

"Good, that's what I thought. I'm glad I told him to get lost then," Wyatt said.

Charlie did a double take. "You did what?!"

"He was here tonight. I told him you didn't want to see him," Wyatt explained. "I heard you had broken up with him, so I figured you wouldn't want him around."

"Wyatt, what the hell?" Charlie nearly yelled.

Wyatt shrugged. "I still don't think he's good for you. Even if you and I aren't going to be together, you're still my friend. I was trying to protect you."

Charlie's heart was racing. "Wyatt... for future reference, I can protect myself." And with that, she ran out of the auditorium. 

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