You Had Me At No

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The majority has spoken then.


"C'mon, baby. Open your eyes."

When I came to, Shayne was leaning over me and almost immediately, the pungent smell of antiseptic assaulted my senses, pulverizing any trace of unconsciousness.

I jolted up, frantically looking about me. I was seated on a gurney in what appeared to be an OR. "Wha-what happened?"

Those oh-so-familiar arms snaked around me, absorbing my initial shock. Instinct had me reciprocating the embrace only to yelp at the shot of fire wrapping around my arm.

"Take it easy. You took a hit," Shayne said softly, pulling away.

I looked down at my bandaged arm, allowing the memories to sip in one by one.

The hottest sex I'd ever had. My confession to Shayne just before she shoved me aside. Pain whooshing through my arm. Both of us hitting the floor. And blood, lots of it.

I must have passed out from the shock.

"Are you okay?" I asked, gripping her bicep.

She chuckled. "I'm fine, you're the one with a bullet hole." She inhaled deeply and rested her forehead against mine. "When I heard you scream and saw all the blood, I almost lost it. I wasn't even sure where you'd been hit at the time. I just brought you down here as fast as I could with Freya and Laura on my tail."

I smiled, my heart aching impossibly with all my love. "I'm sorry I put you through that."

"Damn right. This whole 'almost dying' thing between us is starting to get old."

A burst of laughter ripped out of me. She'd never been more right. "Where's the lie?"

She pressed her lips against mine, cupping the back of my head before deepening the kiss. I held onto her wrist, moaning into her mouth.

But like the devil she was, she pulled away. "I haven't yet mastered my hormones with you. I don't think I'll be able to stop myself if we go any further. And this is the worst possible time. We have to get going."

My brows drew together. "Get going? Where to?"

She answered my next question without hearing it. "Yes, someone tried to kill you, again. One of my men spotted the sniper from a mile away, but before they could get to him, he'd already vanished."

My heart was pounding. "From a mile away? That's..."

"I know. But I'm changing your location. Some of my men will join you while the rest will remain here with me in case those fuckers come back."

I flinched away from her. "The hell you are." My voice was low, icy and unrecognizable.

Clearly taken aback, Shayne raised her brows. "Listen—"

"No, you listen. I am tired of being thrown about like a rag doll. I know I'm not that useful, and can't make the brightest decisions. But please, please don't let go of me. I'll learn how to fight better, I promise. And I'm not bad with guns either you know? Infact, I'm a master in the art of baking. I can be usef—"

She cut me short with a chuckle. "Baby, you had me at no."

I paused for a second before letting the relief set in. I grinned widely. "You're not leaving me?"

"Apparently not, the boss has spoken. Damn, woman."

The smile couldn't leave my face. "Somebody has to humble you once in a while."

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