Green Eyed Brunette

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Shayne's POV

"Why don't we continue next week, huh?" I said to the woman on the other side of the glass.

It was a Saturday afternoon and I was conducting a very unproductive interview.

If it wasn't for Drew's soft spot for women with magnificent breasts, the girl would have left the moment she'd dropped the first off key note.

Being a record producer came with it's advantages and disadvantages. I could get to meet incredibly beautiful women with no talent and unrealistic dreams. And then have no choice but to listen to their horrific voices.

When the girl left I rubbed my temples to try and relieve the stress.

Drew patted my back for good measure. "At least she gave you her number."

I chuckled remembering how she'd insisted on giving it to me.

"She just found it convenient for me to have it, man."

My big grizzly co-producer threw his head back in laughter.

"What?" I asked.

"'Found it convenient' my ass. She clearly wants to get down with you."

"She can wait all she wants."

"Why? Because of that dramatic green eyed brunette?"

"No." Maybe.

It wasn't that hard to forget a beautiful face like hers. Olivia.

I looked at my Rolex and checked the time. I had about two hours to five to make it for the barbeque.

I smiled, remembering how great these barbeques were. Almost all my aunts, uncles and cousins were a part of it. It didn't matter whether you came from the hood or not, as long as we were all together.

But I'd always gotten irritated by those aunts who couldn't help but talk.

"Shayne, why do you have so many tatoos?" Aunt Helen would say.

"Shayne, why did you have to venture into the music industry?" Aunt Mia would say.

"Shayne, why can't you be more like your cousin, Christina?" Aunt Diane would say.

"Shayne, are you sure you want to move away from your family? You'll hate it." Aunt Yolanda would say.

"Shayne, why didn't you come for the barbeque last year? Are we that unimportant?" Aunt Lisa would say.

Only a few aunts accepted me for who I was and what I'd become. One who couldn't be more prouder of me was aunt Joanne. Christina's mom.

Her and her husband, uncle Ken, had supported me right after the death of my parents.

It had been a terrible senior year.

Moving in with my grandparents. My grandfather passing a couple of months after my parents did. My grandmother hospitalized right before my graduation.

Joanne and Ken had visited me a lot which I'd been grateful for, but I'd had enough. I told them about my dreams to study sound engineering. With their good hearts and most likely the fact that they financially could, they put me on the first flight to New York.

I visited them three to five times in those two years. And they'd managed to make it for my graduation. I couldn't have been more grateful.

There were more than a dozen failures on my way to the top. Until I got my big break. And now here I was, an accomplished record producer.

Suddenly the door to the studio burst open, and in walked Sasha; a very good friend of mine.

"Bitch, don't you know we just moved in and yet you want to pull out the door off it's hinges," Drew said because he could without getting hit.

"Quit it, Fat Albert," Sasha said before coming over and sitting on my lap.

"Hey baby girl," I said after she kissed me smack on the mouth. We often did that because we could, without catching feelings. Besides, she was all in straight.

"I don't understand why you still work with this punk." She gestured with a long nailed finger at Drew.

"And I don't understand what this whore does in the studio anyway," Drew shot back. "Oh, and thanks for the cords, brah."

I turned to him and saw him assembling the cords he'd asked me to buy at the mall.

"No prob."

"Do you have any idea how fine you are?" Sasha said.

"You've only told me a couple million times."

"Because it's true." She kissed me again and got up.

Drew grunted with displeasure. " You know, Sash. At times I wonder if you really like the D, because I see you sucking off poor Shayne's face."

"I don't hear her complaining," she said and eyed me to confirm, but I just shrugged.

"Are you sure you want to face her green eyed girlfriend?"

"She's not my girlfriend and I hardly know her. She hardly knows me either."

With the sudden grin that appeared on Sasha's dimple-cheeked brown face, I knew she was looking to meddle.

I immediately stood up and announced that I was leaving. But she pulled on my hand.

"Nooo. Tell me about her. I just want to know. I promise I won't bother you again."

Of course she would. But she was too cute to ignore.

"Fine. She's my cousin's best friend and she's okay to look at."

She raised a perfectly arched brow.

"Okay, maybe she's pretty."

She folded her arms and I got destructed by the way her tits pushed up.

"Eyes up, you perv." She snapped her fingers at me.

"I'm sorry, but they're just so..." I licked my lips and pretended to reach for her tits.

"Shay!" she snapped before smacking my hands away. "You know what, just go. But this isn't over."

"I know." I said proudly before kissing her cheek.

In a few minutes I was out of the studio and inside my car. I had more than an hour before the barbeque. So I figured I could go pick gran first, head home for a change and go for the barbeque.


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