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Hello, my loves.

Yes, I'm alive and well, and I sincerely hope everyone else is.

A happy new year to my day one readers and to my newest readers, happy new year and welcome.

I have some bad news though. I haven't been writing any chapters, so I won't have any to put up soon. A lot has been happening lately, but I'm back, for real this time.

I was cruising through the hundreds of comments and saw one in particular that said I should finish the book and then publish it, which would take me atleast a month.

I need to see how many of you would prefer that to me just doing the usual updates. I know it's my book, and I can do whatever I want, but I've abandoned you guys for too long, and it's only fair I hand you the reigns today.

So please just leave a "yes" on what you prefer below. Majority wins.

Regular Updates

Finish the book

I'll give you a maximum of 72hrs, so a lot of you guys can have a chance to vote.

And did I mention how much I missed you beautiful people, so much it hurts *holds hand to chest and wipes away lone tear*

No but for real, I missed you guys like crazy, swear to the heavens I did.

Anyway. Ciao, my loves. Three days.

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