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Before you start reading, I just wanted to thank you all so much for the birthday wishes. They meant way more to me than I'm able to express.❤❤

Oh, and despite my late wishes, Happy New Year! 🎇🎇🎇🎆🎆

Love you guys to the moon and back, although I have a lame way of showing it. There's so much you have done for me over the past year. My smiles are all thanks to you. 💖💖


"I'm getting real fucking tired of everyone convincing me that I'm incapable of taking care of myself. I'll be back in a week," I snapped through the phone.

Sasha laughed in the background. "Even in your condition, you're able to sound like you've been denied of some kind of release. Do me a favor?"

"What?" I said coldly, still irritated by her weird and impeccable ability to read my moods.

"I won't bother you about completing your recovery if you make sure to get laid before you get back. And I have a feeling only one specific girl will be able to help you with that."

The shock of her words caused the exquisite cupcake I'd been gulfing down to skit over the wrong passageway. My coughing fit couldn't have confirmed Sasha's theory any better.

She responded by clicking off, no doubt with that stupid know-it-all smirk on her face. Fucking bitch was lucky I loved her to death.

"Goddammit," I cursed under my breath, tossing my phone on my bed.

The stubborn sleeve of my T-shirt was only making me angrier. Even after three weeks of being forcibly glued to the bed, the wound in my shoulder took the longest to heal, making it hard to use the full functionality of my right arm, even with the sling gone.

When I successfully finished getting dressed, I grabbed my phone and headed out my room and into my private lounge area.

Olivia was seated with a straight back on one of the couches, her slender fingers fumbling in her lap.

She was nervous. But I couldn't tell if it was the fact that this was the first time we were left alone ever since my wound reopened prior to my savage attack on her top; I hadn't touched her in three weeks. Or if it was the fact that she was going to meet her mother after the woman had suffered the loss of her daughter in vain.

My money was on the latter.

It'd taken three whole weeks for us to agree that it was time for her to finally let her mother know.

She looked startled when she found me standing at the door, as though she had been deep in thought. A deep blush immediately blossomed her bloodless cheeks.

She stood, and I couldn't help but let my eyes travel down her lush body. The sexy, nude-colored, knee-high dress clang to every dip and curve, making me dry in the mouth.

I met her eyes. "You ready?"

She nodded and gave me an optimistic smile, her shoulder length hair floating around her beautiful face.

Just when I thought my control would slip, she was the one to swiftly close the distance between us, her full round breasts crushing into my chest just as soon as our hungry mouths meet.

I ignored my body's agony from the impact and immediately wrapped her in my arms.

She circled her arms around my neck and brought me closer, even with the additional height of her strappy heels. My tongue delved past her lips just as hers darted out, our simultaneous moans filling the room.

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