Silver Envelope

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Shayne's POV

It wasn't clear, the image seemed like a dream.

But the pronounced beauty, though a blur, wasn't hard to decipher.

Green eyes. Dark and lustrous cascading waves. Plump and rosy lips.

The image seemed to be naked, but not quite, because the most secret parts of it were the most blurred.

Soon enough, the image was approaching me, and nothing could ever explain the strong desire that consumed me.

The eyes on the image seemed to contain triple my desire as the blurriness started to dissipate.

And for some reason, that made me even more...

When I jolted up in bed, I was sweating, panting...and horny as hell.

I brushed a hand through my recently shorn hair before shuddering with need.

"What is it, baby?" I heard Kira's voice say.

I instantly felt soft hands go around my waist from behind, followed by a kiss on my shoulder.

I tilted my head to find big brown eyes staring sleepily up at me. I was surprised to find that I was upset they weren't green, forest green to be exact.

"Bad dream." And immediately the words left my mouth, I twisted so that I pushed her back, and I was hovering above her.

Fuck, I'm horny.

She gasped before releasing a knowing smirk.

"Did I happen to be a sexy villain in that dream? You seem hella excited." She wriggled her brows before wrapping her legs around my waist.

I growled and smashed my mouth against hers.

Only to push off of her in the next second to get off the bed. I rushed to the bathroom and locked the door.

"Shay, is everything alright?" Kira said, the sound of her voice close by.

I stepped into the shower—still having my briefs on—and turned it on.

I tensed as freezing cold water met my scorching body, but it certainly was doing the job.

"Awww, baby. If you really wanted to shower that badly, why didn't you just say so," Kira voiced, "want me to join..."

"Go home, Kira," I said sternly, interrupting her.

I heard her giggling—irritated the shit out of me—before I let the silence dawn on her.

"Shayne, you can't be serious. It's two in the morning."

I continued to remain silent, appreciating the spray of water over my head.

"Shayne!" Kira snapped once she probably realized I wasn't joking.


'I hate you!' were her last words before I heard the bedroom door slam a few minutes later.

She'd probably be back in a couple of days. Just like usual.

I was no longer as horny as I was when I'd woken up, but I still had images of my dream in my head.

As frequent as that dream came, it had never continued. It always ended with me sexually frustrated. And when it came, I mostly wasn't alone in bed, so you can just about guess what I did with that frustration.

But this time, it had been different, it felt like nothing at all could satisfy the savage want consuming me.

And nothing could be more scarier than that.

A few hours later, I was in the elevator, heading down the first floor to the private underground garage of my apartment building.

My image stared back at me from the reflective elevator doors.

I looked pissed off. As though literally anything could make me tick at that moment.

I ran my fingers through my hair, relieved that its previous length was non-existent, instead it was replaced by a military-style crew cut, the top having my dark hair a little longer than the sides and back.

I practically looked like a guy, until you notice the two hardly visible bumps on my chest.

As much as it wasn't particularly hard to figure out my gender, my face had very few features of a woman; the full and sensual mouth, dark and long eyelashes, and the gentle curve of my high cheekbones.

While on the other hand, my pronounced jaw line was defined; not helping my femininity. The slight jut of my square chin, the perfect and straight nose with its angular edges, and last but not the least; my eyes...

My eyes always seemed to catch females off guard—I wasn't stupid not to notice—and the narrow intensity of them had gotten me in trouble more than once.

Speaking of trouble.

As I headed for my usual parking spot, I noticed Kira's pink Lamborghini parked a few cars away from my...

"The fuck?" I said, looking at the empty parking spot where my Jeep was usually parked.

"How the..." Then I instantly knew.

Sneaky little bitch.

I looked at the car keys in my hand, wondering how I hadn't noticed that they weren't mine.

Walking to the Lamb—praying for the life of me that Kira hadn't crossed me—I pressed a button.

The pink little machine purred to life.

The spoilt little brat had taken my Jeep, my Jeep. No one had ever touched my one.

And then that little...ohhh...there's going to be hell to pay.

Making sure to contain my burning hot rage—I wasn't alone in the garage—I debated on getting on a cab, and on driving the Lamborghini.

Getting on a cab had won. Even though Lamborghini's were flashy and all, they didn't seem like they would be able to accommodate my height; and besides, this one in particular was pink. Pink!

Forty minutes later, I'm seated in my office, the scariest of all scowls on my face—judging by the look of hardly contained mortification on my assistant's face—as I span side to side on my swivel chair.

"Lorraine," I said quietly.

My grey eyed, pale haired and creamy skinned PA paused momentarily before looking at me from where she stood at the front of my desk.

The young woman had come into my office with a bunch of mail, and apparently she hadn't sorted it out at her own desk before bringing it in. The subtly beautiful woman had  started trying to sort them in the crook of her elbow.

She looked at me in fear; she probably thought she was getting fired on her first week on the job.

Her innocent grey eyes failed miserably at containing the heavy attraction there. She also failed ten times more miserably at trying to hold my gaze for longer than a second.

"Are y-you go-going t-to fire me?" she stuttered quietly, adjusting the mail in her arms.

"No I'm not, but the next time I ask for my mail, it should be sorted before I get here." I knew I sounded calm and icy, but I didn't care enough.

"Of course, definitely, Sh-shayne," she said, sounding overly grateful as she stuttered on my name; which I had instructed I should be addressed by.

When she began to leave, she abruptly turned back to me on her four inch pumps.

"Oh, there's one envelope in pa-particular I think you sh-should see now. It ca-caught my eye as I was g-grabbing the mail from the front desk," she stuttered again before picking out a silver envelope from the bunch, and placing it on my desk.

"It's f-from a funeral house."


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