Some Explaining To Do

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Shayne's POV

She smells so good.

Olivia was standing in front of me in the home theater's bathroom.

I gave up on assuring her that it was all good, and instead I relished the feel of her small delicate hands. One cupped the side of my face to hold it in place, while the other worked at the scratch on my brow.

And from the minimal distance between us, her floral scent surrounded me, so sweet that I was tempted to lick it off of her.

Hold it together, Shay.

I cleared my throat in an attempt to clear the fog of want she awakened in me.

"I think I'm fine now," I said as I tried to pull away from her, not wanting to scare her off with my savage needs.

"I'm almost done," her soft even pitched voice said as her hands left my face, and I instantly missed her touch. "Don't move," she ordered me as she reached for a band aid from the first aid kit on the countertop, and brought her hands back to my face.

I almost closed my eyes in content, but fought it until she pulled away.

"There." She closed the first aid kit and smiled sheepishly as she moved back a step.

There still wasn't enough space between us. She needed to be as far away as possible for her own good.

"Thanks," I said as I came off the countertop and stood in front of her. "I guess we're even now, huh?"

She looked confused for a second before I pointed at her arm.

"Oh, almost forgot about that. I better put some ice on it."

Once she was out of the bathroom, I let out a breath of relief.

"Damn..." I said quietly as I placed a hand on the bathroom countertop starting to regret meeting her, and not because of her tantrums—as scary as they were—but because of my desire for her.

I had to leave immediately.

Turning around to face the mirror, I checked out the band aid on my brow, smiling involuntarily at how perfect it was placed. But somehow I knew that any goddamned person would have done it, and it wouldn't have been half as perfect.

My black Nike sports bra reminded me that I wasn't exactly decent enough. And even though I'd seen Olivia's beautiful sea green eyes nervously drop several glances to my toned abs, she hadn't tried to jump me.

As much as the thought of that appealed to me.

I jumped a little when my iPhone suddenly started ringing.

I pulled it out from my pocket and frowned when I saw the caller ID.

"Christina?" I said into the phone.

Why would she be calling?

"Where are you? Everyone's gathered at the fire already."


"I'm coming."

When I stepped back into the theater, I found Olivia seated quite comfortably on the sofa, remote control in hand, and the pack of food beside her.

She looked so inviting.

I cleared my throat to get her attention, and her green eyes jumped to me.

"Hi," she said as she held the bag of ice against her arm.

"Hey." I walked to the sofa and picked up my shirt. "Are you coming?" I said as I dressed up.


I stopped midway—my shirt only covering my chest—as I looked down at her.

Those forest greens were feasting at the sight of my toned abs.

I smirked before clearing my throat to get her attention, and there was nothing cuter than her petrified shy look when she realized I'd caught her staring.

"Are you coming?" I repeated, saving her the embarrassment by not mentioning anything. Just like I hadn't mentioned anything about the previous day.

"Where?" she said, looking down at her fingers shyly.

"I assume this is your first barbeque, because obviously I would have noticed you before."

Real smooth, Shay.

"I mean...since you're Christina's best friend, she would have introduced us."

She looked up at me with a nervous smile, her eyes searching my face curiously.

I rubbed the back of my neck out of habit and cleared my throat nervously.

"We're supposed to be gathered around the fire right now. I can't not be there."

She nodded her head as she sat back comfortably. "I'll just stay here and nurse my arm."

"I'm sorry about your arm again."

"I'm sorry about your face. do know you have some explaining to do, right? Apparently I'm your girlfriend."

I grinned nervously as I looked away, and then looked back at her with a smug look.

"I promise I'll explain all of it, later. Then you can tell me what I can do to revitalize your sex life."

She gasped, and I left her with a red face and widened eyes almost falling out the sockets.

Stepping out of the theater, chuckling to myself, I headed for the backyard.

Immediately I stepped out into it, Christina rushed to me, pushing an acoustic guitar into my arms.

"Where have you been?" she said disapprovingly.

"I was with one," I said hoping she didn't catch that. But luck wasn't on my side when she grinned widely and squeaked in excitement.

"You. Are. Gonna. Tell. Me. Everything," she said, punctuating each word with a poke against my shoulder.

She didn't even let me reply when she dragged me towards the fire, everyone already gathered around it.

The old timers, including my grandmother were seated closest to it, while everyone else stood around, chatting and socializing noisily.

There was an unoccupied seat that was placed next to two close cousins of mine. Warren and Sean.

Holding tight to the neck of the guitar in my hand, I left Christina and headed for that empty seat.

People instantly moved to create a path for me. I wanted to think that it was because of my intimidating height, and not because they were afraid that I'd infect them with badness.

I settled on the seat and placed the guitar on my lap, everyone instantly going silent. Again, I wanted to think that it was because they wanted to listen, and not because they were judging me in silence.

Warren, the closest next to me slapped my back, while Sean gave me an encouraging look.

They were the best, which was why at every barbeque—except the few I missed of course—we sang together. We'd done it so often in the past that we didn't need any practice at all.

Me and Warren tuned our guitars so that they would harmonize, while Sean sat silently, as he was the lead.

With a bright smile from gran who looked at me adoringly from across, I strung the first chords.


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