Alura Danvers

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Lena and Kara arrive outside the DEO, having been driven there in one of Lena's private cars. The two get out of the car and approach the front of the building.

"This is the D.E.O.... the Department....." Kara begins.

"Of Extranormal Operations." Lena cuts Kara off.

Kara gives Lena a confused look, knowing the DEO is supposed to be a secret government organisation.

"I'm well aware of the DEOs existence Ka.... Supergirl." Lena says.

Kara grimaces at Lena now calling her Supergirl.

"You can just call me Kara." Kara says.

"Oh, okay. I didn't know which one you'd prefer, especially in here." Lena says.

"Kara's fine, it's my real name after all." Kara smiles a bit.

The two women enter the building.

"What the hell is she doing here!!!" Kara hears Alex yell as she approaches then at the entrance, pointing to Lena.

"I asked her to come." Kara says.

"Kara this is a secret government organisation!!" Alex says angrily.

"And Alura's my daughter!!!" Kara snaps back.

Alex's expression softens.

"Look, I already knew that the DEO existed, and you can have me sign as many NDAs as you like. But for now, I'm here to help save a little girl. Are you going to let me help or not?" Lena says, directing her question at Alex.

Alex turns to Lena.

"I don't trust you. Clearly Kara has already revealed to you far too much, to a Luthor none the less. I don't want you here." Alex glares.

"Well I do!!! I'm bringing Lena in to help, I'm not asking for your permission Alex. You can try and stop me, but just remember this is my daughter's life at stake here. Don't make me hurt you." Kara says, her tone turning very serious.

"Fine. But I'm going to keep a close eye on her the whole time." Alex concedes.

"Whatever, now lets go!" Kara says annoyed.

Alex walks in front of them, gesturing to the guards to let Kara and Lena follow her in. Kara looks at Lena and gives Lena a brief smile before her face returns to a more neutral or worried look, Kara responds by giving Lena a brief smile too.

"I'm sorry.... she means well....." Kara says to Lena as they walk along.

"It's okay I understand the position she is in. If I was in her position letting a Luthor into a top secret government building would raise a ton of red flags for me. I'm honestly surprised she'd let me in at all, you clearly have some sway over her." Lena comments.

"Uhh.... well she is my sister after all." Kara says.

Lena looks at Kara with a surprised look on her face. Kara notices it and realises Lena thinks that Alex is a Kryptonian like her.

"Adoptive sister." Kara adds.

"Oh." Lena replies as she cools her expression.

A few minutes later Kara has lead Lena to a medical bay inside the DEO.

"What's going on here?" J'onn asks, blocking Kara and Lena with his body from entering.

"I brought Lena to help save my daughter." Kara says, annoyed once more.

"Kara, this is a secret...." J'onn begins.

"I don't care!!! I swear J'onn if you try and stop Lena from helping I will throw you into the sun." Kara snaps.

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