Chapter 200 - The 200th

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It is now Friday, the day before Kara and Lena's wedding, and everything is crazy right now, for both Kara and Lena, each in different locations, at their respected jobs. The reason that things are crazy right now has nothing to do with their wedding though, and everything to do with the news that has just broken, that a pretty large tech-based company located in the US, has announced that it is going bankrupt, meaning that several other tech companies, including L-Corp, are now lining up to pick apart pieces of the company. This is because, despite the tech company being a failure, and being in massive debt and everything, the company does own certain technology patents that L-Corp, and other big successful companies, now want to own. So, everything has sort of become a bidding war and a bit crazy.

This has meant, for Lena, she has been pulled into a long set of conversations with her lawyers, and Sam, about how much capital they have to be able to buy the patents from the soon to be dead company. This will all come about by the company paying off its debts by selling off its patents, and other technologies, to the highest bidders, before it closes doors for good. Lena, L-Corp's lawyers, L-Corp's accountants, and Sam have then been spending the last several hours weighing up how much the patents are worth, and at what point a bid would be considered too high for the risk of acquiring the patents to be worth it. Of course, out of basically all of the companies that are looking to buy these patents, and bits of technology, L-Corp is the most successful, and thereby has the most money to spend. But that doesn't mean that Lena, and L-Corp in general, is willing to pay any amount of money. Lena still does have to answer to shareholders after all, even though she owns most of the company.

Then on the flip side of things, for Kara, the news of this company going broke has made her day chaotic, because it has been big news in the media world. This is not only because the announcement that this company will be closing down has taken everyone by surprise, but also because it has also been discovered that the company's, now former, CEO has been charged with soliciting prostitution, as well as embezzling millions of dollars, with the latter ultimately being a reason as to why the company is in so much debt. This has meant that reporters have been asking questions as to why the other key figures of the company, particularly the CFO, didn't see that the CEO was embezzling the money.

"Danvers!!!!" Snapper yells, from across the office.

Over the last few months, Snapper has swapped from calling Kara blondie/ponytail to Danvers, before finally using her actual name, and referring to her as Kara. However, there are times when Snapper does switch back to Danvers, and that is usually when Snapper is annoyed or angry or something.

"Yes?" Kara replies, quickly coming running over to Snapper.

"Good." Snapper says, "I need you to get on a plane, and head to New York, where you will be interviewing some of the executives of Vitmos Inc. I want you to find out how deep this corruption may go."

"Uhhh.... I can't do that." Kara says.

"What? Why not? I don't care if you have something else going on this weekend. This is one of the biggest stories of the year. Cancel whatever plans you have." Snapper says, basically snarling.

"I can't." Kara says.

"What could possibly be more important that reporting on this story?" Snapper asks.

"My wedding." Kara says.

Snapper then turns to look at Kara, lowering his glasses slightly.

"Your wedding?" Snapper says.

"Yeah..... Didn't you realise that's why I'm going on vacation these next two weeks. I said I was going on my honeymoon." Kara says.

"Hhmhmm.... I must have ignored that." Snapper huffs.

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