Chapter 197 - Bachelorette Party Morning

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Kara is the first to wake up, and as she does, for a moment she doesn't know where she is, because all her surroundings are very unfamiliar to her. However, Kara quickly brushes away the cobwebs from last night, which included her drinking some alien alcohol, among other things, and she remembers the whole night. Kara knows that currently she, Lena, and the rest of their female friends are in a nice penthouse hotel suite, where they are going to finish off the bachelorette party by having a beauty morning, with facials, massages, and everything else. Personally, that sort of stuff has never been up Kara's alley, but she knows that Lena will like it, so she's more than happy to participate. This is both of their bachelorette party after all.

"Morning, darling." Lena says, having woken up while Kara was gathering her thoughts.

Kara turns and looks at Lena, who is still snuggled close to her.

"Hi." Kara smiles, happily, and takes Lena in for a loving kiss.

Lena accepts Kara's kiss, and kisses her back with a little bit of morning-tired passion.

"So, how much of last night do you remember?" Kara asks, knowing that Lena drank a decent amount of alcohol.

"Pretty much all of it." Lena admits, "But I'm pretty sure that our friends, particularly Alex, will not remember most of what happened last night."

Kara chuckles.

"Yeah, probably. Alex went pretty hard on the drinking." Kara replies.

"I think that was mostly due to you scaring her for life as you watched you, I mean.... Sunshine.... do her little stripper dance for me." Lena smiles.

Kara chuckles again.

"Yeah, I probably did scar her, but I'm just happy you liked it." Kara smiles back.

"Oh, I more than liked it. It was a massive turn on." Lena says.

"That's good to know." Kara smiles again, "I'll keep that in mind for our honeymoon."

"I'll look forward to seeing what you have in store next then." Lena says.

Kara and Lena then continue to lay there, in the bed, together for the next several minutes, just happily relaxing, this not being something that they get to do often, as usually they decide to get up soon after they wake up, as they know Morgan or Alura could be awake. So, seeing as this morning Kara and Lena do not have their daughters to worry about, they are taking the opportunity to actually have a nice relaxing lie in bed, cuddled together. However, eventually the cuddles come to an end, for the thing that both Lena and Kara could have guessed would end their relaxing time lying in bed, Kara's stomach.

Lena chuckles after hearing Kara's stomach grumble.

"I think that's our signal to get up and feed the beast." Lena smiles.

"Hmmm... yeah... okay." Kara nods.

"I'd have thought after the amount of potstickers you ate last night, you'd have been fed for a good few weeks." Lena says.

"Nope." Kara says, "I could actually go for some potstickers right now."

Lena chuckles again.

"I doubt the hotel has them. But I'm sure it has some other lovely breakfast food which we can order up to the room. Let's just get up and see who else is awake, and what everyone wants, first." Lena says.

"Sure." Kara nods.

Lena and Kara then both climb out of bed, and as they do, they realise that they actually don't have any clothes. This is because last night, once they got back to the hotel, all the couple did was remove all their clothes, including their lingerie, and get into bed naked with each other. That means that the only clothes available to Kara and Lena are their dresses from last night, which don't feel like appropriate clothes to wear for a nice relaxing casual morning.

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