Chapter 84 - Necklaces

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Kara, Lena and Alura make it down through an elevator into Lena's private lab, with Lena using her thumb print and typing in a code to open the lab doors.

"Wow." Alura says, in awe.

Lena looks at Alura with a smirk on her face, knowing that her daughter is obviously impressed with the high secure nature of getting into her private lab.

"My lab has to be secure, as I don't want any people stealing any of the tech in here." Lena explains to Alura.

Alura nods her head, understanding, while also turning her head from side to side, looking about the entire lab as they walk further inside.

"So, I guess I won't get a lab like this when I work here next week?" Kara asks, teasingly.

Lena turns back and looks at Kara with a smirk on her face, knowing her girlfriend was joking, but also knowing she has a surprise for Kara.

"Well actually, I've already set you up to have access to my lab here." Lena explains.

"What?!" Kara says, surprised.

"I thought that seeing as we will be working together sometimes, we might as well do it in here." Lena explains.

"Lena..." Kara half-heartly moans, "won't the other scientists who work in the labs think you are showing favouritism to me, your girlfriend, who is now working in the top lab in the company, having only previously had experience as a reporter."

"Perhaps." Lena replies, "But I don't care, and I know you'll prove them wrong. Plus, I didn't think it would be a good idea working outside of this lab, as I know some of the stuff we will work on will essentially involve you disclosing things about Krypton, and we don't want to give your identity away, do we?"

"I uhh...." Kara says, not sure what to say.

Lena grows a bit of a nervous look on her face upon noticing her girlfriend's hesitation in responding.

"If it's too much..... I'm sure we can figure something else out...." Lena says, a bit timidly now.

"No!" Kara quickly says, gathering her thoughts. "It's just.... unexpected..... and a bit overwhelming right now.... but not in a bad way."

Lena smiles, relieved, upon hearing that.

"Well... that's good then." Lena smiles.

"Yeah." Kara nods.

"I wanna see the necklace!" Alura moans, not wanting to wait longer, while her two mothers talk, to see her promised necklace.

Lena looks at Alura and chuckles.

"Okay, okay." Lena says, "It's in this safe over here."

Lena then leads the way to a safe in the corner of the lab, with Kara and Alura following her once more. Once Lena reaches the safe, she types in the 6-digit code to unlock it, and then pulls out two velvet boxes. After retrieving the velvet boxes, Lena closes the safe behind her, and then places the boxes down on the nearest table.

"Here we go." Lena says, "I only put the last touches on each necklace this afternoon."

Lena opens up the first velvet box, and reveals the first necklace. The necklace itself is silver, and has been moulded into a heart shape, with two little diamonds on it, one bigger than the other, there are then some swirly grooves on the rest of the necklace in a pleasing pattern.

"So, this necklace is yours, Alura." Lena says, leaning down to show Alura, so she can have a closer look. "These two little diamonds here, represent me and you. The bigger one is me, and the smaller one is you."

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang