Chapter 135 - Off to Earth-1 Again

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Presently Kara is in her bedroom, just finishing putting on her clothes. Lena and Alura have already left for the day, with Lena being the one to take their daughter to school this morning, instead of the two of them. This has happened because last night Kara had a rather late evening, as there happened to be a few criminals that decided to go on a night-time spree, which required Supergirl's attention. All this meant that Kara didn't crash into her pillow, in bed, next to Lena, until close to 3 AM. Therefore, because of all this, Lena told Kara to just sleep in longer, and arrive later to work, as she didn't want her fiancé to be too tired. Kara, still being very tired when Lena told her this, just groggily agreed with Lena's suggestion, barely opening her eyes.

At the moment, however, it is about 10AM, and Kara knows that she really should get into work, even if her fiancé is the boss and she could arrive as late as she wants, or not at all, with no risk of being fired.

Kara walks into her bathroom, deciding that she wants to brush her hair one last time. However, about a minute into Kara being in her bathroom, she hears a noise coming from inside her home. Kara knows right now that she should be the only one at home, so this puts her on alert. Kara then uses her super hearing and finds that there is one other person in her home, as she can detect their heartbeat. Kara doesn't recognise the heartbeat, so she knows that it isn't Alex, Lena, Alura or Eliza, as they are the only heartbeats she knows.

"I know someone is out there!" Kara yells out, and then goes storming into her bedroom, where the heartbeat is coming from.

As soon as Kara walks back into her bedroom, she ends up being surprised, but not because she comes across some sort of intruder who has come to her home to attack her, but because she comes across her friend from another universe, Barry Allen.

"Oh Rao, Barry! You scared me! I thought some stranger had broken into my home." Kara exclaims.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." Barry replies, with a sheepish look on his face, "The portal just detects you wherever you are. So, I couldn't really do anything about that, my bad."

Kara nods her head in understanding, knowing that her speedster friend from another universe obviously didn't mean to scare her. Barry, for his part, then begins to look around the bedroom that the two of them are standing in, and grows a confused expression on his face.

"This isn't your normal place." Barry says, with some confusion in his voice.

"No." Kara replies, with a smile, "Alura and I moved in here about 4ish months ago."

"Oh, cool, why did you..." Barry begins to ask, but then stops, his eyes going wide as he looks at the ring on Kara's left hand. "Oh my god! You're engaged!"

Kara breaks out into a big smile as soon as Barry says that, happily recalling the memory that she and Lena are in fact going to be married.

"Yes, I am. It happened about a week ago." Kara smiles.

"That's great Kara!" Barry smiles, happily, "So, who is the lucky guy?"

"Girl. Her name is Lena." Kara smiles back, happily.

"Oh, sorry. I shouldn't have presumed. I'd love to meet her some time." Barry says, "Does she happen to be the same Lena that was looking after your daughter the last time you helped out in my universe?"

"Yes. She is." Kara nods.

"Oh, well, she must truly be amazing then." Barry smiles.

"She is." Kara nods, with a loving smile, as she thinks of Lena.

Barry nods his head back at Kara, happy for his alien friend.

"Anyway, what are you doing here, Barry?" Kara asks, "I presume you need my help again or something? This isn't a social call?"

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