Theon Greyjoy X Stark!Reader - About You Now

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'About You Now' by the Sugababes. I hope you all enjoy it.

There was no doubt in your mind that you were head over heels in love with Theon Greyjoy. When he kissed you, it made your chest tighten and your stomach turn over. When he would whisper sweet little comments in your ear, in full view of your family, your brain would go into a complete tizz, your thoughts going at a million miles a minute in an attempt to calm yourself down. He was the only man in the world that you could have seen yourself marrying, and yet any time the idea was put on the table, you had hesitated. 

Just because you loved Theon didn't mean that you couldn't see his flaws. He could be arrogant, and on occasion a little crude, and there was that tiny niggling doubt in the back of your mind. 

It had been your eighteenth name day when he had finally officially asked for your hand. A muttering along the lines of 'We should probably get married at some point," which had never been exactly what you had expected. 

"'We should probably get married at some point'?" you repeated back to him, raising your eyebrows at him slightly. "Is that supposed to be a proposal?" you continued.

A snort of laughter bubbled out of him at your comment. "Well, what do you expect me to do? Get down on one knee and make some grand gesture? Sweetheart, we've been acting like a married couple since we were fifteen."

For a moment, you considered dropping the subject. He was right, after all. You'd been together for years, and the only part missing was the official ceremony. But, Gods, all his comment did was bring your doubts racing back to the surface. "That isn't the point and you know it," you bit back at him. "I am a lady, and you will be asking me to marry you properly."

You should have known better than to push him so hard. Theon was never one to give in to pressure, especially when it was over something so menial, and yet you continued to press. 

"I'm not doing it," he uttered, watching as you shook your head at him.

"Then I'm not marrying you."

There was a second where you saw the pain flash across his face, and then he was scowling in you direction. "Fucking don't then," he growled, standing up so fast that it sent his seat careening to the ground with a loud clatter. "See if I care," he added as he practically marched out your chambers, slamming the door behind him as he went. 

It had been stupid, you had known it the moment you had done it. Theon was never the type to back down, and you had always been far more relaxed in your approach to life, and the one time you had decided to break from that was when it would have the most disastrous effects. 

He didn't speak to you for a week after that, keeping his distance whenever he had to spend any time in your presence. All you wanted to do was apologise, to beg him to forget it had ever happened and accept his proposal. But deep down, a part of you wanted him to be the one to break the silence. But you had always had to cave before, and now, with something so important to you causing the rift, you weren't so willing to do it. 

It wasn't until the King came to Winterfell that your resolve softened. You father would be following his friend back to the Capital, and there was an opportunity for you to go too, but you weren't yet certain. 

That night, you had snuck through the halls in complete silence, before tapping lightly on Theon's door, praying that he would be awake. When he finally, opened it, a small smile formed on his lips, if only for a moment, and he nodded for you to come inside. 

"Knew you'd give in eventually," he uttered, reaching out to pull you into his arms, only for you to pull back slightly. 

"I'm not here because I've given in," you bit out, watching as his smile faded completely. "I'm here to ask whether you ever intend to ask to marry me properly, or whether I should stop wasting my time and find someone who will." 

The room was silent for a moment, the two of you just staring at one another as the comment hung in the air between you. "I want to marry you-"

"Then why can't you forget your ego for five minutes and ask me properly?" you interrupted, your jaw set tightly as he shook his head. "Why is it so hard for you to do this one thing that I-"

"Because I was scared you would say no," he bit out, causing you to fall silent. "I am so in love with you and I was terrified that I would make this grand gesture and you would laugh, or tell me that you didn't feel the same way, or-" he paused for a moment, shaking his head once more. "I don't know. Gods, I was scared, okay?"

The anger seeped out of your body as quickly as it had come, your face softening as you watched him. He looked like a little kid, his head bowed as he let his confession settle. "You are such an idiot, you know that?" 

Theon's head shot up quite suddenly, his eyes landing on you as a bubble of laughter escaped you. "I'm not an-"

"I have been in love with you for three years, and I have spent every night imagining my life with you," you told him, shifting on the spot for a moment. All you wanted was to hold him, but he looked a little less convinced. "If you had asked me properly, I wouldn't have even had to think before saying yes. I probably wouldn't have even let you finish asking before I gave you my answer."

His lips twitched slightly at your comment, and his shoulders relaxed. "What if I asked you now?"

You paused for a moment, your smile spreading. "Well, that depends, doesn't it?" You gave a small shrug. "Are you going to ask me properly?" 

Theon closed the space between you, taking your hand in his and drawing it up to his lips as he dropped to one knee. "Sweetness," he started softly, his lips drifting over your knuckles. "Will you do me the greatest honour and let me make you my wife?" His eyes met yours, a smile painting his face into an image you wanted to remember for the rest of your life. 

"I should make you suffer for how you've been behaving," you uttered,  shifting your hand to run your fingertips over his cheek. "But I can't fathom the idea of spending another night without you as my fiancé."

Theon took your hand in his, linking your fingers against the side of his head. "Is that a yes?" 

"It is," you murmured, letting out a squeal as he suddenly got to his feet and pressed his lips to yours. 

He hummed as he broke from the kiss, his fingers running over your jaw as he kept you close. "You are the most perfect creature I have ever seen," he uttered softly, his lips still brushing yours. "And I am so completely in love with you."

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