Young!Robert Baratheon X Lannister!Reader - Greedy

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Greedy by Tate McRae. For this one, Reader is Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion's older sister, so the eldest Lannister child, and it is set just after Robert's Rebellion and his appointment as King. I hope you all enjoy it. 

The Capital had to be on its 7th night of celebrations and feasting since the new king had been officially crowned before his adoring public. The entire place had become a haven for debauched behaviour, with a constant stream of wine and ale, far too-rich food, and emotions running high. And, if it hadn't been for your father's insistence, you would have avoided every single second of it.

It's not that you didn't like the new king. Robert Baratheon had only passed your path once or twice in your life, back when you were still too young to realise that he would grow up to be an important person someday. In fact, you held little feelings for him at all, past the understanding that before the war, he was to be your good brother, were your betrothal to his younger brother to go forward. 

But the effect his appointment had made on your home was unmistakable, and you were growing tired of it. You, much like everyone who had ever had cause to live in King's Landing during The Mad King's reign, knew that the Targaryens had been anything but perfect, but they had enough power to keep the Capital civilised. In all of your years, you had never seen it reduced to this. 

"What are you doing here? I thought you hated these things," Jaime hummed, posting himself beside you at the edge of the dancing. 

You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, fighting back the longing to smack the smug grin from his face. "You know as well as I do that if I had it my way, these things would have stopped after the first night," you uttered, finally risking a full glance in his direction. "Father requested my attendance. He seems to think that these festivities are the ideal place to restart my husband-hunting since Stannis has now officially betrothed himself to that Florent girl."

Jaime snorted with laughter. "And I'm sure standing over here scowling is just enticing all of the young Lords to come and woo you, isn't it?"

"When I'm forced to be in the company of a bunch of drunken, slovenly rebels for an entire evening, the scowling is completely beyond my control-"

"Your Grace," Jaime suddenly interrupted, standing up a little straighter as he caught sight of the King standing behind you. 

"Lannister," he uttered, nodding at your brother before turning his gaze on you. "My Lady," he pressed on, watching as you bowed ever so slightly. 

"Your Grace," you answered, trying but failing to plaster a smile onto your face. 

"You're not finding much joy in the company?"

You opened your mouth as if you were about to disagree, before hesitating, swallowing down the lump forming in your throat. "Not particularly, Your Grace."

He hummed out a soft sound that almost sounded like agreement. "And is it the drunkenness, their slovenly nature, or the fact that they're rebels that irks you so much?"

"It's a little excessive, don't you think?" you started again, skirting around the question. "The drink and the food and the music. Half of these men barely know how to control themselves around a proper lady at the best of times, let alone when they're stupid with drink."

"Is there a man in particular who has forgotten himself with you?" he pressed, his brow furrowed with pure, unmistakable concern. 

"Not me, no," you murmured. "I don't think I'm quite approachable enough for any of them to even consider it. And I'm sure they're all far too aware of my father to ever put a toe out of line."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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