Theon Greyjoy X Stark!Reader - She's All I Wanna Be

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song she's all I wanna be by Tate McRae. Reader is Eddard and Catelyn's oldest daughter. I hope you all enjoy it. 

When your father had first suggested a union between you and Theon, you had been excited. I mean, it was one of the best outcomes you could think of. You would be married to someone you knew, someone you cared about. You could stay in Winterfell after you were married. You would be comfortable and happy. 

But it hadn't taken you long to really think about the life you would be living. Theon was sweet with you, he truly was, but that didn't mean he loved you. That didn't mean he wanted to be your husband. And when you had Sansa right there showing you everything that you weren't capable of, you wondered how you could ever live up to his standards as his wife. 

It wasn't that you didn't want to be good, either. You'd been trying your hardest since you were a child, but where things came naturally to Sansa, you struggled. Sewing was tedious and you could hardly ever get through a handful of stitches without pricking yourself on the needle. You couldn't seem to keep yourself clean, either. You would start the day looking impeccable with the help of a maid, but within an hour or so, you'd have grass stains on your dress and your hair would be a mess. And whilst Septa Mordane was lecturing you for your tardiness or messiness or blatant lack of capability, Sansa would be right there, as perfect as ever and offering you her most comforting smile. Because even when you were in silent competition with her, comparing yourself at every turn, she was still too good to ever turn as cruel and bitter as you could be. She remained soft and kind, even when you shot her a glare for just existing. 

So, your excitement for your wedding had faded rather quickly, with a weight sitting on your chest leaving you far more stressed than you had ever been before. 

"Wife," Theon hummed, shooting you a teasing smile when you glanced up at him with a furrowed brow. You'd taken to sitting here most days, avoiding the lectures as often as you could manage, even though you knew that if the Septa ever found you sitting so precariously on a fence, the lectures would be never-ending. 

"Not yet," you reminded him softly, rolling your eyes when his smile only grew at your comment. 

He shrugged. "It won't be long," he told you, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. "I'm just trying to get used to saying it before it's official," he added, chuckling when you shook your head at his antics. 

That was possibly the hardest part of everything. No matter how much Theon may have preferred being married to Sansa, he would never say a word. He wouldn't risk joining his family to yours by ever telling you his true feelings. 

"You seem sad," he murmured, interrupting your thoughts, and causing your head to shoot up to look at him. 

The sudden movement caused you to lose your balance, your body tipping backwards off of the fence you'd perched yourself on, your hands flailing out in front of you as you felt the weightlessness of falling. But then Theon had caught your hand, stopping you before you could go any further and tugging you back forwards so that you were completely upright. 

His eyes were wide when you met them, brows raised as if asking whether you were alright whilst you clung to the front of his shirt. 

"Sorry," you uttered, releasing your hold on him and jumping off of the fence to stand properly in front of him. 

He was still holding your wrist in one hand, his thumb running over the bare skin lightly. "It's alright," he told you, a small smile pulling at his lips. "What's wrong?"

You shook your head slightly, forcing an unconvincing smile onto your lips. "Why would anything be wrong?"

Theon sighed, his smile faltering. "You were sitting over here all alone and I didn't see you smile once," he murmured, finally releasing your arm, but staying close to you. "I like seeing you smile," he added softly. "It makes me happy."

"Oh?" you uttered, still trying to keep the smile on your face.

He nodded, reaching up to touch your cheek lightly. "This isn't a real smile," he started.


"I know your real smiles," he pressed on. "I see it when you watch the boys playing. And when your father is talking with you," he reminded you. "So why are you pretending?"

You swallowed down the lump in your throat. "Sorry," you finally murmured.

Theon's brow furrowed slightly. "Don't apologise," he told you, retracting his hand and watching as you attempted to follow it on instinct. "I just want to know what I can do to make it better." 

"Does it upset you that I'm not like Sansa?" you finally blurted, and Theon practically recoiled at the question, his mouth dropping open as he tried to make sense of it. 

"What does that mean?"

You hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I'm not going to be a good wife," you confessed. "I can't sew and I don't really understand how to run a household and-"

"Why does that matter?" he interrupted you. "I'm not marrying you so that you can sit and sew all day. I'm marrying you because I love you."

You could've sworn that your heart stopped beating for a moment, jumping up into your throat to choke you as the words registered. "You do?"

"Of course I do. I wouldn't have asked your father for your hand if I didn't-"

"I thought it was my father's idea," you murmured. "I didn't know." 

Theon smiled softly at you. "I have to admit, he was pretty surprised when I asked. But it was definitely my idea, Sweet girl," he told you, taking a step closer to you. "I want you how you are," he added, his hand moving to rest on your hip. "Not some old lord's idea of a perfect little wife, but my perfect wife."

For the first time since coming out into the yard, a smile pulled at your lips, a real smile. 

"There she is," he hummed, grinning down at you. "My pretty girl," he added. 

"Husband," you uttered, watching him wrinkle his nose at the comment.

"Wife," he responded softly, glancing behind him to check nobody was looking at the two of you before quickly leaning in to kiss you. "I ought to get back to training before your brothers come looking for me," he added, cupping your cheek and running a thumb over your bottom lip. "I'll see you at dinner?"

You nodded enthusiastically, still grinning up at him. "I'll save a space for you."

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Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines: Part ThreeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin