Stannis Baratheon X Targaryen!Reader - Gimme What I Want

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Gimme What I Want' by Miley Cyrus. It was giving me big Queen of the Seven Kingdoms energy and I got a little carried away with this tiny scene that got stuck in my head. I hope you all enjoy it. 

You had been waiting for your newest ally to arrive for quite some time. A year and a half to be exact, and in all honesty, he wasn't even an ally yet. Not that you doubted your ability to get him on side. You had the same goal, after all. Get rid of the Lannisters. Anything that came after that would be decided once you had completed that very important task. 

He would be coming at some point, you had reminded yourself of as much time and time again. But then again, you had never bothered to contact him. You just took up root as the one true Queen and let the rumours spread on their own. You were the only person he could turn to, and you both knew it, but this way you would get the upper hand. 

"Your Grace," a voice interrupted your thoughts, and your eyes flitted over towards the guard who looked rather uncomfortable under your gaze. "Stannis Baratheon has arrived," he added, watching carefully as your lips curled into a rather self-indulgent smile.

"Send him in" you uttered, sitting up a little straighter on your makeshift throne and glancing over at your younger sister. "I told you he would come."

Daenerys looked as though she was about ready to say something spiteful when the doors opened again, silencing her as you finally set eyes on him. You stood to greet him, moving forwards and holding your hand out in greeting. "It took you long enough," you started, a glint in your eyes as a small smile pulled at your lips. 

"I wasn't aware you were in need of my company," he answered, his face completely void of any emotion as he shook your hand. 

You held back the urge to roll your eyes at his comment, giving a short nod before moving away from him to take your place on your throne. "Need is a strong word, Lord Stannis," you murmured, watching as his jaw ticked slightly. "We ought to get proceedings underway, don't you think?" you continued. 

He gave a short nod, moving forwards to stand at the foot of your throne. "I think it would be in both of our interests if we were to join our forces and-"

"My sister and I want the Lannisters gone. We would be happy for you to swear your fealty to us," you interrupted, watching as his jaw tensed again. "After all, you have the smaller army," you added with a small smile.

"I fought to overthrow the old Targaryens. What makes you think I'll bend the knee to the new ones?" 

You gave a small shrug, glancing down at your feet for a moment in an attempt to look wounded by his comment. "Probably because if you don't do so willingly we'll take your soldiers by force, and neither of us want that." When you lifted your head again you were smiling. "We may be new to your style of war, My Lord, but we aren't fools. We know what we want and we're going to take it, with your help of without it." 

For a moment, you could've sworn that you saw the ghost of a smile drift over his face, and then he shook his head and the moment was gone. "I don't think you're a fool," he told you firmly. "But I do think you may be as insane as your father was." 

You raised an eyebrow at his comment. "How funny," you murmured, your head tilting to the side as you continued to survey him. "I was just about to make a comment about how similar you and I are." Stannis looked a little confused as you smiled down at him. "I've had a lot of time to learn about your brother's rebellion, My Lord, and you were always so fascinating. Smart, and fearless, but far too stubborn for your own good. It saddens me to say that we share that little personality trait." 

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