Theon Greyjoy X Stark!Reader - Nancy Mulligan

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Nancy Mulligan' by Ed Sheeran. In this chapter, the events of A song of Ice and Fire never actually take place, and the Starks remain in Winterfell. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had only been out of the house for about five minutes. Five short minutes of tending to the little patch of garden that you had lovingly carved out over the last few years. And still, when you had come back inside, Theon had ended up huddled up in one of the armchairs in front of the fire with your two children bundled in his lap. 

"I was younger than you are now when I met your mother, you know?" he hummed, blissfully unaware of your eyes lingering on him. "Knew I was going to marry her the second I set eyes on her. She was so pretty, and she had this wild smile that probably should have frightened me, but your father is far too brave to let that scare him off." 

Your daughter giggled when he poked her cheek lightly. "So brave," she chuckled, squealing when he ruffled her hair.

"Well, I may be brave, but it still took me eight years to actually tell her I loved her, and of course,  she was already head over heels in love with me-"

"Oh, was I now?" you interrupted, watching as his head whipped around to find you watching him, your hands on your hips as you smirked at him. "I seem to remember it a little differently."

Theon shook his head, his smile returning when you came to sit in your matching armchair, your son scrambling off of his father's lap to join you in you instead. "You were in love with me, you just didn't want to admit it."

"I recall telling you that I thought you were a beast for making light of something as serious as love. And you got all mad that I thought you were lying to me. It was a terrible way to start things, really,"you corrected, stroking your son's hair as he cuddled into you. "But I guess you won me over eventually."

"And your Grandfather," he started again, pushing aside your little interruption as he turned his attention back to his story. "He didn't like me very much."

"Theon," you bit out, your mouth dropping open. "My father loved you; he just didn't think you were ready to be tied-"

"He told me and your mother that we weren't allowed to get married. So, she had this wild idea to run off to the South and do it anyway." He glanced up at you, a sweet smile pulling at his lips. "And I think it's the best idea she's ever had." 

You tilted your head to the side as you watched him. "I got married wearing a dress I borrowed from a woman we met on the road whilst we were travelling. And your father was wearing this shirt that was miles too big for him. And I still don't think I would've wanted to do it any differently."

"What did Grandpa do?" you daughter uttered, her brow furrowed slightly.

You shrugged slightly. "He was upset for a little while, but there was nothing he could do once we were married. And after a few weeks he finally realised just how much your father loved me-"

"You clearly adore my sweet little Y/N," Theon started, doing a rather exaggerated impression of your father's accent, and sending the children into fits of giggles. "And she seems to truly love you too. I know it's a little late now, but you have my blessing," he pressed on, a smirk pulling at his lips when you let out a snort of laughter, shaking your head slightly. "And then he was welcoming me with open arms and he's been calling me son ever since," he murmured, his eyes drifting over to you as you grinned back at him. 

*Time Skip*

"Come here, Pretty Girl," Theon murmured, lounging comfortably in his armchair as you walked out into the living room, following his beckoning gesture and climbing into his lap, letting him wrap his arms around you. "Did you manage to get them both to sleep?"

You nodded, letting your head rest on his shoulder and letting out a soft sigh. "Eventually. Y/D/N kept asking me to tell her about how we met. Had to tell the whole story again," you uttered, smiling when he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.

"That's not so bad, is it?" he hummed. "Our little girl will be able to find someone who loves her; she'll never settle for some random lord's son asking for her hand when she barely even knows him."

"What makes you think I would have let her settle for that, anyway?" you started. "And you wouldn't have let her settle for it, either. You would be a nightmare if she were courting." You paused for a moment. "If anything, your little story will end up encouraging her to run away and break every rule we ever set for her-"

He hummed slightly, leaning down so that his stubble brushed your cheek as he nodded. "She'll be just like her mother, hmm?" 

"I didn't break rules," you corrected, pulling away to look him in the eyes, unable of holding back the smile that so desperately wanted to break through. "And when I did, it always had something to do with you."

He chuckled, his hand lifting to run a finger over your cheek. "I know, Sweet Girl. I was a terrible influence on you."

"Was?" you exclaimed softly, shaking your head. "Sweetness, you still are," you chuckled, leaning in to connect your lips with his.

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