Tyrion Lannister X Stark!Reader - Their Daughter

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A/N - This chapter is based completely around the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez quote that has become so popular in the last week or so: "I am here because I have to show my parents that I am their daughter and that they did not raise me to accept abuse from men." I think she is one of the most promising politicians in American history and I am so excited to see what good she is going to do in the world. It's a little bit short, but I hope you all enjoy it.

In any other city being an outspoken woman wouldn't have been dangerous. Sure, the men would laugh it off and pretend not to hear as you advocated for other women, but you would never have been at risk because of it. But King's Landing was different. The King himself was a misogynistic boy who thought himself a gift to all of womankind, even when he was beating and abusing them. 

You had been protected from him to the extent to which you could be. He would always enjoy his little verbal tirades, but at the end of the day he couldn't put a finger on you. After all, you were family, and you husband was one of the only men in the Seven Kingdoms who had ever been allowed to speak freely in front of his nephew. 

Tyrion had been protective of you from the moment you had met, and though he knew well enough that you could look out for yourself, where the King was concerned you needed all the help you could get. 

 You were tense sitting in your seat in court. Tyrion's fingers were linked in yours, attempting to draw your attention away from the scene in front of you. Sansa, on her knees, crying as her betrothed pointed a cross bow at her. 

"Killing you would send your brother a message," the King drawled, a smirk pulling at his lips as he looked down the sites at your sister. Sansa released a quiet sob, and you pulled your fingers from Tyrion's shifting on the spot. "But my mother insists on keeping you alive," he continued, pausing for a moment as he lowered the cross bow, and returned to his throne. "We'll have to send your traitor brother a message some other way."

A silence fell across the crowd and you quickly glanced over at your husband, your eyes wide and frightened. "What's he doing?" Tyrion shushed you, taking your hand once more and squeezing it tightly in his. 

"Meryl," the King called out, leaning back comfortably on his throne as he smiled down at the girl who would soon be his wife. The guard moved forward, approaching your little sister as bile rose in your throat. "Leave her face; I like her pretty."

You were on your feet an instant later, pulling your hand free of your husbands. "Y/N," he called out, attempting to calm your flaming temper as you shoved your way between your sister and the guard. 

The King was practically growling as he looked down at you, defying him so openly. "Move." 

Tyrion was beside you a second later, looking between the stoney expression plastered on your face and his nephew. 

"In the North we teach our daughters that we do not accept abuse from men, Your Grace," you started, keeping your voice as even as you could manage as you stared up at him. "My sister has done nothing to warrant her beatings, and all this will do is give our brother more cause to want you dead. This will not deter him, it will anger him. Surely, the smarter thing to do would be to avoid giving him reason to march on King's Landing and thus, avoid putting your people in danger, Your Grace?" 

He continued to scowl as you stared up at him. "You think you're very clever, don't you?" 

"No, Your Grace," you started softly, a small smile painting your lips. "I know that I'm very clever." You paused for a moment. "As I said, our daughters are raised to know their worth in the North."

"I think we should heed this warning, Your Grace," Tyrion started, clearing his throat when you glanced down at him. "Y/N knows her brother far better than we do. She knows how he will respond to this sort of slight." There was a pause, heavy and thick as it wrapped around the room.

"You should learn to keep your wife in check, Uncle." 

A short snort of laughter burst out of you, causing the King to turn his attention to you once more. "I am not a dog, Your Grace, and I do not need training. Now, my husband and I are going to leave court for the day, and we are going to be taking my sister with us. Is that understood?" The King opened his mouth as if to answer, but you were quicker. "I'm sorry if I confused you, Your Grace, but that was a rhetorical question. It doesn't need a response." 

The King ran his tongue over his teeth, watching you carefully for just a second before he gave a short nod. "Get out of my sight."

You took Sansa's hand in yours, giving the King one final smile before you turned on your heel and walked out of the throne room, followed closely by your husband. 

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