Chapter 26

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"So then I think this is our best option." Zayn said as the boys and him (excluding Harry) looked over a map on the kitchen table as I sipped my hot chocolate from the counter.

"Too risky. It'll take too long." Louis said as he tapped the pen on the table. Harry's boots came clicking in and when I saw him I immediately looked down at my cup not wanting to be near him. I could see him smirk out the corner of my eye and it made me believe that he didn't give any thought to the lecture I gave him yesterday.

"I'm going out. Watch Madeline." He said as he slammed the front door open and shut.

"It's like I'm his dog." I said as the guys took their eyes off the map to chuckle at my remark before turning towards it again. I eventually got bored of hearing their plans and decided it would be better use of my time to watch TV.

Waking up to a wet slobbery tongue on your face isn't a great way to wake up, but when it involves a puppy it's ok! I had fallen asleep on the couch while watching some TV and awoke to a small husky puppy licking my face awake.

"Well aren't you the cutest little thing!" I exclaimed as I sat up and looked down at it as I saw someone's feet in the corner of my eye. I looked up from the feet and saw Harry standing their intently with a nervous look on his face. "Did you get her today when you went out?" I asked as I stood up to face him with the pup cradled in my arms. He nodded his head not giving me more of an answer. "Um..well thank you...I guess now I'll have someone to keep me company." I said as I looked down at the cute little pup and walked up the stairs towards Niall's room to show him the adorable thing.

Without even knocking on the door I quietly slipped in and placed the puppy on the bed where Niall was sleeping with his phone on his chest. She scurried over to him before climbing up on his chest and licking his face.

"What the hell?" He groaned as he opened his eyes and sat up slightly as his eyebrows twisted into a confused look when he came face-to-face with the puppy. "What is this?" He said as he gestured towards the dog and looked up at me.

"A dog."

"Well yeah but how'd you get it? Steal it from the market?" Niall snickered as he picked her up and inspected her.

"I don't know. Harry brought it home." I said as Niall's eyes flicked up to me and a devilish smirk grew on his face. "What?"

"You don't even realize how soft Harry's gone for you." He chuckled as he handed me back the pup. "Told you he needed to be set back in his place."

"Whatever." I said as I exited his room and proceeded to the others to show them my new baby. Zayn ended up wanting to adopt it as his own, Liam said he was to be the first uncle, and Louis wanted to put her in a diaper. As I was arguing with him on how you couldn't put a dog in a human diaper (even though he thought it was possible) she ran out of the room and down into the hall. "Hey! Come back!" I shouted as I ran after her but she disappeared into Harry's room where the door was surprisingly open. I walked into the room looking low on the ground but was surprised when I saw her cuddled in Harry's arms as he stood before me.

"Oh sorry. She got away from me." I said as I rubbed my arm at the awkward situation. "I can take her if you'd like."

"No, I'll take her down to her kennel. It's in the living room." He said as he walked past me and down the stairs. As he was gone I quickly changed into some pajamas and turned around to be faced with a shirtless Harry. I looked up at him with a confused look before he said, "She started to whine when I put her in, so I gave her my shirt. It makes them calm down." I nodded my head knowing the old trick and pursed my lips as he moved towards the bed. "You can sleep here if you want, unless you already have plans." He said as he threw back the covers.

"I-uh-I'm." I stuttered before giving up and just nodding my head knowing I hadn't made arrangements to sleep anywhere else. I saw Harry close his eyes in content before letting out a sigh and crawling into the bed. I flicked off the light before wandering over and hopping in too and drifting off into a deep sleep.

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