Chapter 3

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I was roused by a sharp pain in my side, my eyes cracking open to see my kidnapper standing before me.

"Up. Now." He demanded as I sat up straight in the cramped cabby of the car. It was pitch black outside, the only thing illuminating the dark area were a couple of sketchy motel lights. 

He pulled up by my arm, forcefully throwing me out of the car and slamming the door. He then turned around to face me as my back was leant up against the car window. He looked down at me with a hard glare before raising his arm and leaning it on the car next to my face.

"I don't have fucking time for you to move your lazy ass around. I suggest if you don't want to be killed right here you'll listen." He said as he grabbed my arm once again and pulled me towards the small motel. 

He unlocked the door and threw me in before walking back out to the car. The other boys weren't in the room, but their belongings were. Which were really just a couple of black duffel bags which I presumed contained weapons.

I immediately broke down crying seeing that I was finally alone and could cry in peace. I missed work so much and knowing what I would be doing the next day. I missed my family, and most of all, I missed being safe.

After crying for about ten minutes, I began to look around a bit. On the nightstand I saw the clock read 12:30 am and realized I was going to have to sleep in here with them.

Scanning my options, I realized that I was either sleeping in the bed with one of the boys or on the ground, seemingly the other two would take up the couches. So, I grabbed a pillow from the bed before snuggling up in the corner trying my best to fall asleep before they returned.

After what seemed like an hour, I still hadn't fallen asleep from my on and off self-pity tears when I heard the boys' footsteps outside. They slammed open the door, but not really wanting to interact with them at such a late hour, I laid still on the floor with my eyes shut and body in a small ball.

"Madeline!" Harry yelled coming into the room and locking the multiple locks the boys had placed on the door. 

"Madeline!" He repeated while setting down what sounded like a paper bag. 

"Mates where the hell did she go?! I swear to fucking god Madeline-" he stopped mid sentence obviously finding where I was laying on the ground.

"Oi! You can't just let her sleep on the floor lad." Niall said as he jumped on the couch.

"Well what am I supposed to do then? Put her in the fucking bed?! I don't think so." Harry scoffed as his boots thudded across the room towards the bed. 

Seeing Harry take the bed, I was grateful I hadn't decided to sleep there. He scared me the most out of them all. 

"She chose to fucking sleep there anyways. Smart choice on her part." He grumbled as he began kicking off his boots. The other boys followed suit, using the bathroom and cracking a couple of disgusting jokes about my body before finally turning the lights off and laying down.

Half an hour of still not being able to sleep passed, because of my fear of what would happen if I actually did fall asleep. 

I then heard Harry stir awake and sit up in bed. I squinted my eyes open just a tad to see Harry checking over the couch to see if Liam and Niall were asleep, before making his way around the other side of the bed nearest to me.

"Sleeping on the fucking floor. Never heard of such thing." He grumbled quietly as he ripped the comforter off the bed and brought it over towards me. He gently put it down on top of me, before standing there for awhile just looking at me. He eventually grumbled a few words to himself before walking back to the bed, pulling the sheets up, and laying his head on the pillow.

"Go to bed Madeline." He said from the bed making my breath hitch. I had no idea he could tell I was awake. Fearing he'd know I was thinking, I decided to roll towards the wall and do my best to fall asleep as fast as I could.

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