Chapter 12

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Six hours. Six hours I've been up here in this stupidly beautiful room. Just looking at the curtains is entertaining. But not enough for six whole hours. I've gone through all the clothes and shoes they bought me, well actually they were probably stolen seeing they don't do things the right way around here. I've also made the bed plus done my hair eight times.

Deciding I'd had enough of moping around all day, I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen as five pairs of eyes watched me from the living room. I went into a cupboard I had seen Louis go through this morning, and pulled out the cinnamon pop tart I had been craving all afternoon. With this new tracking device they had planted on me, I was free to roam the house, but every time I would go too close to a window or door, an alarm would sound. It was a pain in the ass, but I was just happy to be free of man-handling.

I stayed in the kitchen finishing my pop tart and grabbing a glass of water from the fridge before deciding I needed to do something else. I walked out towards the living room slowly, wondering if by me being there the boys thought I was intruding. Louis was seated on a love seat by himself, Zayn and Liam on the large couch in the middle, and Harry and Niall at opposite ends on the other couch closest to the stairs.

They all kept their eyes on the TV before Louis glanced up and saw me and smiled.

"Hey Maddie, come sit by me." He said as he patted the spot next to him slowly making my eyes drift from him to Harry. I stood there for a second contemplating if I should to sit next to him or retreat back upstairs. Right as I was about to take a step, Harry spoke up.

"I swear to god if you fucking sit by him." Harry said his eyes still on the TV. My eyes opened wide at his sudden threat and I looked over at Louis who I assumed would be terrified, to see him chuckling towards Harry.

"Awh why's that mate? I just want to get to know her better." Louis said as he looked up at me again with a "Well are you going to come sit here?" kind of look on his face.

"We all know you have more intentions than that. If you know what's good for you Madeline you'll sit by me." Harry threatened once more, this time looking towards Louis.

"Or you could come sit by me." Louis stated happily as he looked up at me again. Then all five pairs of eyes were on me once again. Harry giving me a hard glare, Louis smiling at me, and the rest just waiting to see what my response was.

"I-I" I stuttered trying to make a decision. At this point I really didn't know if I even wanted to be down here anymore, so I made the quick decision of turning around quickly and walking right back up the stairs where I came from.

"Don't run away from your problems Madeline." Harry said as I could feel his smirk knowing he had scared me.

"I'm not the one with the problem." I said confidently continuing up the stairs and into my room, this time proceeding to lock it. I could hear the boys laughing at my remark and telling Harry he 'got told by a girl.' but the laughter stopped as he told them he was going to kill them all if they didn't stop. And a threat from Harry, is not a threat to be taken lightly.

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