Chapter 22

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I woke up with the feeling of warmness all around me. I rolled over to see what time it was, but was unable to move. I looked down towards my waist and saw an arm sprawled across it. My eyes went wide and I turned my head to see a sleeping Harry. I really didn't want to be the first one up in this awkward situation, so I pretended to go back to sleep.

"I know you're awake Madeline." He said as he removed his arm from my waist a few minutes later and rubbed his eyes.

"God...sorry...I must've been cold..." I said as I sat up and walked towards my clothes. Harry just grumbled in response standing up in only his boxers exposing all his tattoos.

I stared at them for a couple of seconds before he smirked at me, making me turn my head and head to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and hopped out to see Harry still in his boxers.

"Took you long enough." He grumbled as he walked past me and into the bathroom. That boy has mood swings like day and night. I walked out of the bedroom and decided I'd try to make a decent breakfast with whatever was left in the fridge. I ended up finding a pancake mix and making a dozen or so of them before sitting down at the table and eating.

"Hey Mad- cock banging son of a flatulent whore!" Louis screamed as he clutched his foot and cursed at the side table. "Who the hell put this here?!" He screamed as he hopped over to the couch and rolled onto it dramatically. I walked over to him before seeing his purple big toe which was swelling quickly.

"Let me go get some ice from the ice machine." I said as I fetched out the ice bucket and bolted out the door. I walked down the corridor and turned to find the pop machine and ice machine. I placed the bucket under the spout and the ice poured out quickly. Once I was done, I walked back out into the hallway quickly so I could get this on Louis' toe.

"Excuse me miss." Someone said in front of me, looking up I came face-to-face with two police officers.

"Yes?" I answered politely, not knowing to be terrified or happy they were here.

"We're just here to remind everyone that the London Lowriders have been spotted in this area, if you wish to know more information watch the newscast at 4 pm." They said before walking right back where they came from. I was so stunned from the sudden encounter that I couldn't say anything back. I mean even if I had and I had actually escaped, Harry would eventually find me and beat my ass to death. I was actually surprised the police officers didn't recognize me, considering my face has been all over the news.

"Fucking cock wallet!" Louis screamed from the hotel room making me remember why I had originally come out here. I scurried back into the room, finding Louis on the couch still holding his toe with the other boys (besides Harry) looking over him as he groaned in pain. I scooped the bag out of the bucket before placing it on Louis' toes as his face turned back to its normal color. With the boys still looking over Louis, I decided I should turn on the television to watch the newscast and see exactly what they had to say.

~Madeline Scott; still missing has been no where in sight. But the London Lowriders have. They were supposedly at a shooting yesterday night at a formal ball in uptown Oslo. 12 people were found dead but no clues of where they could've gone have been recovered. Police officers are roaming the town warning people of their presence.~

"Something bothering you Maddie? C'mon you can tell us." Liam cooed as he smirked at the television. Should I tell them? Would a police officer coming and talking to me realize that they can't put me in danger anymore? I mean its worth a shot.

"There was a police officer in the hallway....and he talked to me." Right as I said 'police officer' Harry came out of our bedroom and his eyes shot right towards me as he walked towards me fast.

"Did you fucking tell them anything Madeline?! You know exactly what we're capable of! I swear to god if you said anything!" He said as he grabbed my shirt collar and pushed me up against the wall harshly so I was mere inches from his face.

"I-I didn't s-say a-anything." I stuttered out tears brimming my eyes. "H-he d-didn't g-give m-me the c-chance t-to." I said as I closed my eyes before staring back into his green ones.

"Oh so you would've said something?!" He bellowed making me cower back. I shook my head 'no' unable to have anymore words come out as he shoved me to the ground harshly before spinning around and facing the guys. "We're leaving. Tomorrow. And if this little brat causes us anymore problems I swear to god." He said before slamming the bedroom door shut. I was sitting on the ground in full out tears before Liam came over and carried me to the couch as he set me on his lap with Louis beside us.

"I just want to go home." I said as I sobbed into his shoulder. Liam refused to acknowledge my comment though.

"C'mon Maddie. You're too pretty to cry." He said while patting my head.

"Just please leave me alone, I know you don't care about me. You would've taken me home to my family by now." I whispered choking on my words.

"You're part of our family. We take care of each other. Harry wouldn't have given you it if he didn't want you here. Never gave it to any of his other girlfriends." He said as he pointed to my tattoo on my wrist and sat up along with the others before disappearing into the bedrooms.

"Well at least she's not on the floor this time." I heard someone grumble as I was lifted up into masculine arms. I had fallen asleep on the couch being too scared to face Harry. I opened my eyes a tiny bit and saw brown curls now knowing I was in his arms. He carried me towards the bedroom before laying me in the middle of the bed and stopping to stare at me for a bit. He hovered his hand over my face, and immediately thinking it was going to be a slap I stiffened my muscles; but he gently wiped his thumb across my tear-stained cheek before grumbling and walking towards his side of the bed.

"I'm sorry." He said as he climbed in and placed an arm around my waist. That sneaky bastard.

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