Chapter 16

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"Hey Maddie?"


"Do you want to come inside?"

"Yeah I probably should." I said as Zayn helped me out of the car and we walked inside to the small gas station in Northern Yorkshire. Harry was asleep in the car so we didn't even bother waking him up, which gave me a little bit of freedom...just a little bit. We had been driving all day and we finally made a pit stop. Plus I really needed to pee. Once we reached the inside I was eyeing the bathroom and Zayn finally noticed.

"Can I trust you by yourself?" He asked as he looked around a bit more. I didn't say anything, I just pointed to my tattoo on my ankle and he nodded his head letting me go. I walked towards the bathrooms and saw a man going into the men's as I went in. After I was done, I came out and saw the same man leaning up against the wall staring at me. When I shut the door he looked down at his phone as if he thought I hadn't seen him staring.

I wasn't watching where I was going because I was still looking back at the man so when I came out into the main part of the store I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw it was Liam, easing my panic a bit. I looked up at him a bit with worried eyes as I saw another man towards the drinks stare at me.

"Cat got your tongue?" Liam said as he started walking towards the register.

"N-no there was just a man staring at me down there....and one over by the drinks." I said as Liam's face turned red with rage and he walked back towards the bathrooms. Next thing I know he's got his hand placed around his pistol and has dragged me towards the front door.

"Go wake Harry up. Tell him The Dragons are here." He said staring at me intently.

"But he'll kill me-"

"Go!" He said as he opened the front door and shoved me out as I made a mad sprint towards the car. I opened the back door before climbing over the middle seats and landing face-first on the back ones. I clutched my nose as I looked at Harry who was still out cold and tried to shake him awake.

"C'mon Harry wake up!" I said as I tried shaking his arm. I then slapped his leg making him open his eyes and hiss.

"What the hell?!" He said as he grabbed my wrist tightly and clenched his fist put his face so close to mine I could see each individual blood vessel in his eye about to pop from his anger.

"The-The Dragons are here." I said not knowing who The Dragons even were. His eyes went wide before he let go of my wrist and rummaged through the bags of weapons in the back while mumbling profanities. Then there was a gun shot from inside the store and lots of screams. Zayn and Niall came running out towards the car with Liam and Louis following short behind. They went to the back of the car and grabbed some more guns before climbing in and speeding off.

After a couple minutes of driving I noticed there was a car following us and tapped Harry on the shoulder. He glared up at me trying to work on his gun but when I pointed out back his glare focused on the car.

"Liam go faster. We're being followed." He said as Liam sped up at least 20 mph more as did the car behind us.

"Dammit.......fucking assholes.....I'll kill them all..." Were some of the words I heard from Harry's mouth as he grumbled out random ones. The car window from the passenger seat of the car opened and a gun was stuck out pointed directly at us.

"Madeline. Duck." Harry said through gritted teeth still looking out the back window. I couldn't move though, I was frozen. "Madeline!" He said as the gun shot rang throughout the air and directly towards our car. I ducked down immediately as the bullet flew right towards our tail light. Zayn and Niall stuck their guns out the back windows, Louis out the passenger, and Harry out the open back window.

They shot at the car until one of them hit the wheels sending a skidding noise through the air and the car ran off the road. With Liam still flooring the gas pedal, we moved on the back roads at an extremely high pace, passing every car.

I updated because of my 1 year anniversary on Quotev! I try to update there and here at the same times so my stories are kept up-to-date with each other :) my Quotev is (If you're interested) It is also the link in My Website on my profile.

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