Chapter 11

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The clock read 11:48 am and I was ready to get up. I hopped out of bed and stumbled over to the closet picking out a pair of black sweatpants and a maroon long sleeve shirt, plus some fuzzy socks. I then used the hair tie on my wrist and tied my hair up in a messy bun before walking down the stairs and into the extremely large kitchen.

"Oh hey Maddie...surprise seeing you in here." Louis said as he made himself a cup of tea.

" I supposed to stay in my room? I just thought-I'll just wait till Harry comes and gets me." I groaned slightly as I rubbed my eyes and trudged back towards the stairs, but before I could reach them, Louis was standing before me.

"No that's not what I meant. I just thought you wouldn't be up yet since you were up late last night, so I was going to bring you this cup of tea." He said handing me the tea he had been preparing when I had come down.

"Oh! Well, thank you." I said quite surprised at the nice gesture as I smiled up at him and walked back over to the counter leaning my elbows on it as he left the kitchen. I stood in peace for a couple of seconds before I felt a hand wrap around my shoulder making me stiffen.

"What was he talking to you about?" The raspy voice asked from behind me making me instantly know it was Harry.

"Nothing really." I said quietly going through our conversation in my head.

"I know you were talking to him Madeline, you better give me a god damn answer about what you were talking about." Harry said as his grip slightly grew stronger on my shoulder.

"H-He just thought I would be sleeping still so he was going to bring me a cup of tea." I said standing up straight as Harry turned me around to face him.

"Do you realize how dangerous he is?" Harry asked staring me straight in the eyes.

"He seems like a nice guy-"

"He's murdered over 10 people by himself plus the 200 we've done together in massacres. All of us are dangerous Madeline." He said making me cower down.

"And that means we can kill anyone on spot. Especially you if I see you having secret conversations with him again."

"Then why haven't you yet?" I grumbled quietly as I ripped my shoulder from his hand and marched upstairs before he could blink once. As I was walking towards my room I saw Louis come out into the hallway and give me a smile. I ignored him and went straight into my room slamming the door loud enough so Louis could hear it, but not Harry.

Right as I sat down on the bed a few seconds later, there was knock on my door.

"Leave me alone." I grumbled as I laid down on the bed. The door then swung open revealing Niall. I looked up shocked that it wasn't Harry or Louis.

"I just wanted to see if you had gotten something to eat yet." He said looking around my room.

"Yeah, Louis made me some tea. Then I got yelled by Harry for being polite." I said as Niall rolled his eyes.

"Harry's the biggest softy out of us all. He's just trying to convince himself he had a good reason to kidnap you when in reality, he didn't." He said making me scoff.

"Yeah you're telling me." I said sarcastically as he walked towards the door. "You could make yourself useful and let me go back home."

"No can do, but I can make sure you don't get hurt while you're here."

"Oh yeah? And how will you make sure?" I asked not believing him for a second.

"We're pretty chill guys Maddie, just listen to us and you'll be injury-free. I mean, look at this room we've given you. It's not like we've forced you to live in the slums. However, if you try escaping, you'll receive the worst." He lingered for a moment before walking out of my room leaving me to imagine what possible could be the worst.

On The Run ~Criminal Harry Styles~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt