Ten \\ Survivors Guilt

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Ten \\

"After entering the IP address, you will be connected through a Darknet portal to an untraceable bank. Once logged in, enter your account number to recieve wire transfers. The IP address will deactivate with each transfer. You will be assigned a new IP address if you choose to continue down the list. Remember, visual confirmation is always required for payment."

Stiles pressed the stop button on the cassette player. "Have you ever made a wire transfer?"

"Never had enough money," Scott said, both boys equally concerned with what they found in Garrett's bag.

"So you didn't understand a word of that either?"

"I don't understand any of this," he told Stiles. "Why would someone use all this money just to kill us?"

"Someone wants you dead, dude. Badly." After a brief silence, he watched Scott put the money away. "Whoa, whoa. What are you doing?"

"It's late," Scott said. "We've got the PSATs in the morning."

"No, I meant the money. Five hundred thousand dollars. Do you know how much money that is?"

Scott eyed his best friend, "It's $500,000-"

"It's half a million dollars, Scott. What are you going to do, just slide it under your mattress?"

"I have to talk to Derek. The money's his."

"You mean his and Peter's."

Scott watched Stiles, "What does that mean?"

"It means maybe we should proceed with caution."

"You don't think we should tell Derek?"

"No." Stiles was quiet before he went on, "No." He stood up, his mind rambling around in thought. He looked out the rain soaked window. "No, of course we have to tell him. I'm just... I'm just saying, some of that money is Peter's, right?"

Scott wasn't sure where Stiles was going. "Yeah."

"Right?" He turned around. "Peter. Homicidal killer? Remember? You want to give half a million dollars to him?"

"So, we should give Derek his money back, but not Peter?"

"I didn't say that."

"Stiles, what are you saying?"

Steps made them both scramble, someone headed to Scott's room as they shoved the money under the bed and tried to act casual.

The door swung open, Malia in the doorway soaked from the storm. "We found Satomi's pack. Derek and I. But they're dead."

"All of them?" Scott asked, no longer thinking of the money.

"All the one's we found except for Dakoda."

"Then where's Derek?"


Derek carried Dakoda into the loft, quickly putting her down on the table. He'd pulled the arrow out of her and left it in the woods, but she was still struggling to heal.

"Come on, Dakoda," he said, pulling the material of her shirt away after taking off her jacket and letting it drop to the floor. "I just got you back. You can't die on me now." He ran his fingers over where she'd been shot, a relief in him as it was healed over.

She may have begun healing, but she still looked like she was dying.

Derek put his hand on her forehead, it hot like she had too high of a fever. "What the hell is happening to you?"

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