Eleven \\ "Oh Right. Her."

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Eleven \\

"Do you know where they are?" Derek followed Koda into Beacon Hills Memorial, looking both ways as she did.

Dakoda hesitated, smelling for Melissa's scent. "This way." Without thinking about it, she grabbed his hand and led him down a hall. She gave a wave to a couple nurses, able to get through checkpoints without being stopped.

A set of elevator doors dinged open, a curly haired nurse emerging. "There you are." She wasn't frantic, but something was bothering her. "The CDC just put the high school under quarantine with Scott and Stiles still in it." She moved them off to the side. "What happened?"

"Have you seen Satomi? She has one of them that were hit by it." Koda had an alarmed looked, "He took it into the school."

"Took what, Koda?" Melissa quickly asked, "What's going on?"

"Last night my pack was killed by a man named The Chemist."

"He poisoned them," Derek said, thinking of all the dead bodies - all of Koda's family.

"It wasn't a poison, I don't think. It was a virus." Dakoda said, "A virus made to kill werewolves."

"And it's in the school, with my son."

"If we can figure out Elias then maybe we can find an antidote," Dakoda quickly suggested, rubbing her shoulder. "Are they-" She stilled for a moment, "They're here."

"I'll get a gurney," Melissa said, sending Derek and Koda off to find Satomi and Elias.

Dakoda and Derek weaved through hallways, having to get to a back door. The moment Koda opened it, she found Deaton and Satomi hauling a shirtless, shifted Elias.

"Oh my God." Dakoda came out, holding the door open for them.

Satomi felt a wave a relief to see Koda but couldn't act on it yet with her beta currently blind and oozing black blood.

"Down here!" Derek called, Melissa coming quickly with a gurney.

Melissa helped Elias on, "This isn't happening at the school, is it?"

Deaton was confused, helping with the wolf. "School? It's saturday."

"They're taking the PSATs."

Elias lurched up, black liquid coming out of his mouth.

"I think we need to hurry," Satomi said, worry in her voice as she looked from Elias to Koda.

Melissa started pulling the gurney, the group of six making it into the elevator. She jammed the second floor button, willing it to go faster.

Dakoda had her hands on Elias, biting down on her lip as she tried to help him.

"Koda, no," Derek said, touching her arm. He pulled away, only a soft vein of black trailing up his hand.

"I can't be killed by this. My healing is too high." Dakoda's voice was struggled, "Why isn't this working?"

Satomi held one of Elias' hands in hers, praying that he could get through this.

Black started surging through Dakoda's veins, more than Derek had ever seen taken at a time.

But it wasn't enough.

Elias, although blind, looked to Koda as he took his last breath, his brain shutting down and his heart giving out.

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