Thirty \\ What Three Things?

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Thirty \\ 

      As Dakoda manned the front portion of the prison transport van, Derek and Stiles handcuffed Liam in.

      Koda checked over her shoulder through the screen between them. "Everything good back there?" she asked over the radio.

      "Think so." Derek snapped the last bracket on the right chain. "All good?" he asked Liam, sitting across from him next to Stiles.

      Liam pulled up with force, still locked in tight. 

      "Okay," Derek said as he reached into his jacket pocket. "I brought something to help you." He held the triskelion that started the issue with Kate in the first place. "This has been with my family for centuries. It's a very powerful supernatural talisman. We use it to teach betas how to control themselves on a full moon."

      Liam carefully took it from Derek, running his thumb along the swirls.

      Stiles was about to call bullshit when Derek gave him a threatening look. "'s powerful." He cleared his throat, "Very powerful."

      Koda sighed inwardly, only then realizing just how long the car trip would be.


      As hours passed and the border had been crossed, Malia had stuck with her effort to keep the radio loud and not say a word to Peter.

      "Do you mind if I turn the radio down?" Peter loudly asked, his words barely crossing to his daughter. When Malia only shrugged, he took it down a few notches. "You worried about Stiles?"

      "I'm worried about everyone," said Malia. 

      "Do I need to be worried about you?" He got eye contact before returning to the road. "We have to go through the berserkers to get to Kate. Then we have to go through Kate to get to Scott and Kira. And trust me, it's going to be messy."

      "Scott says we don't kill people."

      Peter went on to make a point. "You think Scott would kill to save Kira? Would you? Kill to save Stiles?"

      Malia felt the pressure, looking out to see the full moon staring back at her in temptation.

      "What is it?" Peter question as Malia closed her eyes.

      "The full moon," Malia struggled to say, the weight of it crushing.

      "Good," Peter said. "You need that power."

      Koda shook her head lightly from the car behind the Hale duo, having heard their conversation. She glanced back to the cabin, knowing Liam was about to feel it.

      And as if on cue, Liam jerked, causing both Stiles and Derek to jump.

      Liam clutched the triskelion, his claws out. "Whatever you're gonna teach me..." His eyes took on a gold hue as he looked up. "I think you better start."

      "Showtime," Koda said, following Peter with hopes of none of them dying before even getting to La Iglesia. She signaled to Peter with her brights, both cars speeding up. 

      "Liam, you with me?" Derek asked the beta, leaning forward but not close enough to get hurt. "We have a mantra that we use. You repeat it, you focus on the words. It's like meditating. You say the words until you feel control coming back to you."

      Drenched in sweat, he was beginning to shift despite his fight. "Okay. Okay, okay! What are the words?"

      "Okay, look at the triskelion. See the symbol? I have a tattoo on my back, it's the same thing. Each spiral means something."

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