Thirteen \\ The Alpha is Dead

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Thirteen \\

"Why aren't we telling them?" Liam glanced between Scott and Stiles, the adults officially gone and well out of ear shot.

Kira was in the room over, on the phone with her mother as her friends began to put the plans meant for the next day into motion.

"Dakoda can't be there," Lydia said, getting up from the sofa. "I'm going to my lakehouse. Keep me posted when you have time."

"Be careful." Stiles waved, Lydia pulling on her jacket before leaving. "Okay, look." He spoke once the door shut, "Scott is only second on the list. If Koda is there, the desire for Scott won't be as much if someone could get her money too. It has to be now and it has to be without them."

"My mom's on her way." Kira came into the room, only four of them left.

"I'm gonna go to Argent," Stiles said. "I'll meet you at the hospital." He looked to Scott, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You're going to be all right."

Scott hugged Stiles, hanging on to him. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

Stiles and Scott parted, reluctant to go out of each other's sight.

"This'll work, Stiles." Kira told him, the boy in plaid lingering in the doorway.

Stiles lightly nodded, taking another look at Scott before leaving the McCall house.

"I still think this is a terrible idea," Liam said after a moment, "We need them." He looked to Scott, "And y'know the whole death thing."

"Koda's whole pack died, Liam. I think she can take a breather on this one," Scott replied. "And I'm going to be fine."

"She's here," Kira said, looking up from her phone. "She said we need somewhere you can lay down."

"We can go to my room," he offered, Noshiko coming through the front door. When she nodded, the four proceeded upstairs.

"Get comfortable," Noshiko told Scott, taking the opposite side of Kira as the alpha got onto his bed.

Liam paced a little, "Are you guys totally sure about this?"

"I think Liam's kind of nervous," Kira noted. "Maybe you should tell him it's going to be all right."

Scott watched Kira, able to sense she was nervous too. "It's gonna be all right."

"So," Liam said to Mrs. Yukimura. "you've done this before, right?"

Noshiko hesitated, "I've seen it done."

Liam softly stuttered as he spoke, "Is that just as good?"


"Mom." Kira quickly jumped in, "You're not inspiring confidence."

"Good," Noshiko replied. "This is a terrible idea."

"Do you want us to do it without you?"

The room grew a little tense, but Mrs. Yukimura complied with her daughter's insane plan.

"Put your hand over his heart."

As Kira did what she was instructed to do, it was Scott who got nervous.

Scott grabbed onto Kira's hand, "Hold on." He sat up a little, looking to Noshiko. "What happens while I'm out? Am I gonna feel anything?"

"It might feel like you're dreaming."

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