Twenty-Five \\ Caitlyn

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Twenty-Five \\

Even after Derek forced her to go to work, Koda had no peace of mind as she ran around the hospital in lavender scrubs. She'd accepted the offer for the full time job at Beacon Memorial but her mood was wrecked by worry.

Derek was going to die, and it seemed to be coming sooner than later.

"So, I heard the big news."

Koda looked over her shoulder at the coffee machine, seeing Melissa McCall come into the breakroom. "Big news?"

"You officially joined our staff!" Melissa cheerily said. "Are you moving out of Devenford?"

"We haven't got a place yet, but that's the plan," Koda replied.

"Here," Melisa pulled out her phone and brought up a website. "These are all of the Beacon Hills properties that are available. Do you know if you want an apartment or a house?"

Koda took the phone willingly, "A house, I think. Brett and I haven't lived in a house for a long time." She filtered the searches, coming across a few that she liked.

For an early twenties werewolf, she felt incredibly domestic as she looked for houses to rent.

"I like this one," Koda said as she pulled up one of the listings.

Melissa leaned in, looking at the pictures. "That is a really nice one. It's got a wrap around porch. I love those."

"Me too," Dakoda admitted as she scrolled. "It's in my price range."

"Go see it after work," Melissa suggested with a smile. "You can contact the realtor and have them meet you."

Making a scan of the page, she hit a button at the bottom. "Ta da." She put in information, giving the phone back. "They have my request."

Melissa lightly laughed, "I'd say it's a successful day."

"Speaking of," Koda stood up from the spot she'd taken at a round table. "I have some sick people to heal. Two cancer patients are in the building."

Melissa puled apart the sandwich she'd brought with her. "Good luck Koda. Tell me how is goes with the house."

"Will do," Koda said over her shoulder, slipping out of the room. She tucked a wave of hair behind her ear, grabbing a clipboard and moving through the afternoon crowd of nurses and patients.

"Marie," Dr. Dunbar stopped Koda on her way to the children's unit. "Got a minute?"

"Hey, Doc." Koda offered a smile, "What can I help you with?"

"Are you going to the lacrosse game? Devenford and Beacon's first real match?"

"Absolutely. I'm the sister version of the crazy lacrosse mom."

Dr. Dunbar lightly laughed, "I remember. Any idea who'll win?"

"I could answer but it may be a bit bias," Koda said, getting a smile.

Dunbar's pager went off, "Look, I've got to go but I'll see you there. Glad we've got you on our staff to stay."

Koda gave a slight wave as he left, the nurse departing for the first cancer patient. "I've got this one, Stacey. Go grab a coffee."

"Life saver." Stacey, a thirty-some nurse in red scrubs, squeezed Dakoda's arm before leaving the end of the special children's unit.

Koda knocked on the cracked door, slowly opening it. "Caitlyn?"

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