Chapter 8: Last Day At Home

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Summer was exactly what I wanted the last summer before college to be like. I still hit up my favourite skatepark, Ramp City, every Saturday morning and met up with my best friends, especially Hellen. She was sad that an era was officially ending the minute I would move in with Benji. I'm sad too if I'm being honest. As fun as summer was, I didn't take enough mental pictures of my favourite moments.

Benji was MIA all summer long, but he promised he would be back in time for our move-in date. The last time I saw him was the night of my graduation. He took a few pictures with me and then pulled me outside to give me my graduation gift: a new skateboard. He knows I got mine when I was twelve years old and that it was beat up and losing its original colour. The one he bought for me is a beautiful, light blue with dark wheels and stickers pasted on the bottom of it.
My hearted kind of melted when he gave it to me. All I bought for his graduation was a few 'conGRADulations' balloons along with a store-bought card that I wrote a small message in.

Before he disappeared for the summer, he told me he was going on a trip with some friends... all of who are girls. I think he said Lacy, Madison, Audrey, and I'm probably missing a few. I have been thinking about seeing him again since he left and I'm so nervous and what he'll say to me. I wonder if he got a tan, or if he's in even better shape.

Today is moving day, which means it's the last time I'll be living at home for a long time. I have most of my stuff packed except a few essentials and toiletries, like my toothbrush and some clothes.

At home, I watch Dad sit on a chair beside our dinner table, sipping a beer. I know he's sad I'm leaving but there's nothing I can do or say to make him feel better. I spent all summer eating out, playing pool and watching baseball with him and we made a lot of amazing memories... but the next chapter of my life was starting.

I retie my hair into a messy bun before picking up my last box to pack up. I hold the box in my hands and stand at my door, staring at my room. I smile as I remember all of my good memories and times in that room. I walk out and place my box onto the table beside Dad.

"You okay?" I ask sincerely.

"I'm just reminiscing." He admits, taking another sip of his drink. "I remember when you were six years old. We had just bought this house, your mum and I, and you were so excited." He chuckled. "When you picked out your room, you know what you said to me?"
I shook my head.

"You said, 'Daddy, this is where I'll grow up.'" He spoke, his voice lowering. "And you did." I was beginning to tear up and I really hate crying. "You did grow up, honey. You are the most responsible, intelligent adult I have ever met. More responsible than all the adults I know." He said, on the verge of tears.

"Dad..." I smile, feeling sentimental. "Come here." I raise my hands, telling him to hug me, which he did. We cry with each other for a minute, exchanging goodbyes, which if you think about it, is totally unnecessary, but we are both emotional people. "Stop it, I hate goodbyes." I wipe away my tears with my hands.

As we finally stop crying, I hear a knock at the door, and I know it's Benji, which has me feeling so many things. Fear, for one. I'm so nervous about seeing him for the first time in two months. And also butterflies. I just can't wait to see him and stare into his beautiful, deceiving hazel eyes.

"Great. Casanova is here." Dad remarks Benji.
I run to the door and swing it open and find Benji standing on my doorstep.

"Hey, B." He smiles.

"Benji!" I smile back as we lean in for a long-awaited hug.

Benji looks amazing. I mean... amazing. He definitely grew out his wavy hair, which suits him so well. Tanned, as I expected. When I hugged him he felt muscular, which surprised me, so I decide to make a remark. "You've been working out?" I ask.

"The Bahamas was good for me, B, what can I say?" He smirks and sticks his hands into the pockets of his shorts.

"You didn't think to call or text me once?" I ask, play punching him in the shoulder as we both laugh. "I missed you like crazy, you dummy." 

"You know I wanted to, but my summer was packed. I was partying every single night, B. I can't even wait to tell you all my dumbass stories." He lowers his voice, being sensitive to the fact that my dad was in the other room. 

"Oh, I'm sure you have some stories, all right. Come in." I invite him.

I lead him into the kitchen where Dad is standing up against the fridge. "Dad, you remember Benji." 

Dad pinches his lips together tightly and nods, without making eye contact with either of us. "Sure. Hey, Benji." He says resistingly. 

"How are ya, Mr. Bright?" Benji smiles friendly and takes out his hand for a shake, holding it there for a few seconds awkwardly before Dad finally gave in.

"Good, good," Dad answers quietly, but politely.
I hear a honk outside and realize it's the moving van. "They're here!" I exclaim as I head toward the door. I meet Dan, the moving truck driver, who helps me load my stuff into the car. "Sorry, I forgot one thing," I tell him as I run back into the house. 

I head toward my room before the quiet voice of my dad stops me. I stop abruptly and listen by the door. "I mean it, kid. I don't want her getting hurt while she's out with you. I know she's a good kid and will be a good influence on you but it doesn't mean you'll be a good influence on her. Keep your distance and I'm warning you if anything happens to her-"

I've heard enough. I run into the room like I wasn't just listening to their conversation. "Ready?" I ask, staring Dad down, letting him know I heard what he was telling Benji. 

"Yes," Benji says quickly and comes to stand beside me. "Good seeing you again, Mr. Bright. I'll make sure Brandy is in good hands." 

"What was that, Rambo?" I whisper to my dad and shake my head at him. I can't believe he's acting like I'm some sensitive flower with no capabilities of protecting myself. I can only handle this so many more times. 

I say goodbye to Dad and he watches me as I step into Benji's family limo. I wave to him one last time before closing the door behind me. I roll down the window and watch him as the car moves.

Life is truly never going to be the same anymore. Everything is going to change.

Hi friends! I'm so glad you're back here, thank you SO much for reading. ❤️

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