Chapter 10: Starboy

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I slept fairly well last night. Benji and I stayed up until midnight watching our favourite show, Seinfeld. I fell asleep on the couch at 12:30 and woke up to find Benji gone. I assume he went to his room, which I later realized he did. I doubt he slept that early, though.

My room is everything and more. The walls are painted this simple but beautiful taupe colour, and my bed is a queen-size bed, which I have never had. Back home, my bedroom is only big enough for a twin bed, which is tight and small. I even have my own desk and vanity--not that I am a huge makeup wearer. I apply the occasional mascara and lip gloss but that is usually it for me. 

I run to my bathroom to fix my appearance. I aggressively brush through my hair and pat my face, trying to look less puffy. I breathe into my hand, disgusted by my morning breath and quickly brush my teeth very thoroughly. Then, I change into a black t-shirt with a jean jacket, along with mom jeans. 

I walk into the living room and find no one to be found. It's already 11 and we have a full day ahead of us. "Benji?" I call out. I slowly approach his door and hesitate a few times before finally knocking on it. "Benji?" I whisper, noticing his room is pitch dark and he is tucked away in bed. It isn't fair how he wakes up without looking like a disaster, unlike me. "Rise and shine," I tell him.

"Huh?" He groans, his eyes still closed and his voice low.

Ten minutes later, Benji opens his door and seems to look more awake and alive. "Morning, B." He says, still tiredness in his voice. "How'd ya sleep?"

"Good. What time did you sleep?" I ask, handing him a cup of coffee I made for him.

He takes the coffee from my hands and nods, his way of thanking me. "Late," he answers vaguely.

At around 11:30 we head out of the building and start walking to NYU. I bug him the entire way with 'fun' facts about the school, forgetting how much he really doesn't care.

We finally arrive and I am stunned by the beauty of the building. I bite my lower lip, and without even planning to, grab Benji's hand and drag him along with me.

"Hey!" A voice shouts to us. Well, to Benji. We both turn around and it's a young, blond girl, who I could not help but notice has amazing boobs. Great. "I was wondering when I would see you, Benji." She flirts. Who is this?

"Marissa, how are ya?" He flirts back, but much more monotone in his voice than her. "I was wondering that myself." He turns to me and I get anxious. "This is Brandy, my girlfriend." His WHAT

"Oh...'" She says awkwardly. "Hi," she looks at me and says in an unpolite tone.

"Uhh..." I forget every word I have ever learned. I turn to Benji who apparently wants me to go along with his dialogue here. "Yes. Girlfriend." I lie. "Nice to meet you." 

"Yeah," she dismisses me. "Well, it was nice to see you, Benji. I guess I'll see you around campus." She smiles and walks away, not acknowledging me.

"Wanna explain that?" I ask, crossing my arms, but not because I was mad. I've done this a couple of times--pretending to be Benji's girlfriend around girls he isn't interested in anymore. "Marissa, huh? She's pretty."

"I hooked up with her back in the spring and she can't seem to let me forget it. We were drunk and stupid, clearly not thinking straight. She wouldn't leave me alone back at school. Thanks for saving me, though. You come in a lot of handy, B." He subtly winks and grabs my hand, taking me by surprise. "Be my girlfriend for the day?" He gives that same deceiving smile he always does.

"Of course," I tell him, grabbing his hand and wrapping his fingers around mine.

"Well, as your boyfriend for the day, I feel like I should spoil you. How would you like some of that Aussie coffee you were talking about?"

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