Chapter 73: I Do

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"Does this suit make me look fat?" Dad poses in the mirror and stares at himself non-stop. He flashes poses, his hands on his hips and sucking in his stomach.

"You sound like a bride," Hellen snickers. "You look amazing, Mr. Bright — dare I say, dazzling." She laughs and I playfully roll my eyes, trying not to laugh with her.

"Dad, stop overthinking it, you look great," I convince him.

"You think so?" He pouts.

I chuckle. "You look like Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting." Oh, he will eat that compliment alive! Matt Damon is my dad's icon.

His jaw drops and he runs over and hugs me. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, sweetheart!" I feel his spiky facial hair poke against my head.

"What time did Marcia say she'd be here again?" He freaks out.

"Chill, Mr. Bright," Hellen says.

"Four o'clock, just like we talked about for weeks," I remind him and he sighs in relief.

Dad glances over at Hellen and then down at himself. "She pulls off a suit better than I do," he frowns.

"Don't take it too hard, Mr. Bright, I look amazing in suits," she winks.

I chuckle at her comment but my attention is brought back to my dad. "Go have a quick snack before everyone gets here, okay? Food will calm you down."

"Food... food," he mumbles to himself. "What if I throw it all up on her as I say, 'I do'," he freaks out. "'Marcia, I take you, to have and to hold -" he pauses and starts fake vomiting, and Hellen loses it.

"Dad!" I try to stay calm and not laugh. "You're freaking out. Look at you, you are a nervous mess! Marcia is wonderful and she's going to be a wonderful wife. Don't overthink it."

"Well of course she will be a wonderful wife," he says. "But what about me?"

"Will you... be a wonderful wife?" I smirk.

"No, will I be a wonderful husband? I haven't been one in years," he sighs. "I just want to be good enough for her, you know?"

"Well, as long as you're trying your very best and you have her interest at heart, I think you're doing more than enough. You aren't programmed to be perfect," I say, trailing off as I think about Benji. "And she... she might get mad at you because, you know, men are... you know," I laugh. "But you love her, right?"

Everything I say leads back to Benji. I can't get him out of my head.

"I just want to be a good man for her," he says.

I hug him. "I love you, Dad."

"I love you more, Brands," he says back.

"This feels like a private moment, I'm going to— "

"Hellen, get the hell in here!" Dad shouts as he pulls her into our hug.

People start arriving in our cozy little apartment to celebrate Dad and Marcia's wedding. Dad only invited a few close friends and family members, and the same goes for Marcia. This is definitely the most crowded our apartment has ever been.

Marcia arrives and we sneak her into my bedroom so that Dad won't see her before the ceremony. Unlike Dad, Marcia is calm, relaxed and confident in her vows. And wow, does she look stunning. I help her curl her hair and all I think about is Benji, and I wonder why he isn't here yet — I told him four o'clock, and it's a quarter past.

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