Chapter 66: Time Flies

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"Tell. Me. Everything." Hellen demands of me.

"I don't even know where to start."

"Now! Tell me now!" She begs.

"Benji and I had sex. That's all there is to tell," I say.

"Are you seriously going to leave me wondering how it was? You can't do that to a girl. I need details. Was it good? Bad? And are you still straight?" She smirks.

"Hellen, are you sure you want me telling you this stuff?" I get awkward.

"Why would - " She chuckles. "I'm not some delicate little flower, Brandy. I can handle your sex stories."

"Story," I correct her, and she playfully rolls her eyes. "We've only done it once."

"Whatever," she says, stuffing popcorn into her mouth. "You didn't answer the part about you still being straight."

I laugh. "The sex was... good."

"You hesitated."

"I... I didn't." I do it again. I don't even know why I'm hesitating because I'm not lying. A part of me wants Hellen to think sex with Benji wasn't all that great because I don't want to hurt her feelings. She says she doesn't care but sometimes she says things she doesn't mean, just like we all do.

"You did it again," she notices.

"Can we change the subject?"

"You brought it up," she reminds me.

"Well then I have the power to shut it down," I say. "Speaking of Benji, how has working with him been?"

She shrugs. "To my surprise, he's not totally useless," she jokes. "He's doing really well."

"I'm surprised you guys haven't killed each other. There was a time — not long ago — where you two didn't exactly get along."

"That was all my fault. Benji never fought with me, I just fought with him. It's all in the past though, right? I'm over it," she assures me.

Dad swings open the front door and he sees the two of us on the couch and gives us a warm smile. He packs the groceries into the fridge while making small talk with Hellen.

"Honey, did you tell Hellen about the wedding?" Dad asks me.

"What about it?" Hellen wonders.

"Dad and Marcia are getting married in a few weeks," I reveal.

"And we're doing it right here at the apartment," Dad says.

"That's so sweet," Hellen says.

"No, it's weird. Dad, just rent out a venue," I tell him for the millionth time.

"Marcia and I want a small wedding with just our closest friends and family," Dad tells us. "We don't need some fancy venue. Anyways, Hellen, Brandy and I were hoping you'd come to the wedding. You've been Brandy's best friend for as long as I can remember. What do you say?" He smiles brightly.

"Uh, let me think about it. Yes!" She shouts as she hugs him. "Congratulations, Mr. Bright. I can't wait for the wedding."

There is a lot going on in the next few weeks. Spring break is right around the corner, which means midterms are coming up soon, too. Benji and I were talking about taking a trip, just the two of us for spring break.

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