Chapter 40: Daddy Date

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There's something exciting about winter break. It's somehow much more exciting than summer break will ever be. Even though I'm used to much longer breaks in the summer and winter break is only about two weeks, it feels more like a vacation. Maybe it's the beautiful New York snow or maybe it's that Christmas is right around the corner.

I'm heading to Steven Cruz's office today for the first time, which for me, is a big deal. Even though I've known Steven for what feels like my whole life, I've never done something as bold as to work for him. I wonder if he will be different in a working environment or even more terrifying and controlling.

I am not supposed to be there until noon because the lady on the phone told me coming in early today was not essential. I also have a surprise for Benji but I won't be the one telling him what it is exactly.

After showering and getting dressed, I go to Benji's room and wake him up. "Benji, wake up. It's almost ten o'clock." I slide my earrings through as I quickly start looking for my necklace. "Did I leave it in here?" I think our loud.

He groans tiredly. "It's winter break," he sighs. "Can't I have five more minutes, mom?" He jokes.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha," I laugh wryly. "Get up." I throw a pillow at him and walk out back to the kitchen.

I start making my coffee and put my bread in the toaster. A few minutes later, a tired Benji walks out of his room with bedhead and sits down at the island.

"Why are you so jittery this morning?" He asks as he sips a glass of water.

"I'm going into your dad's office today," I remind him. "It's kind of a big deal."

"Not really," he says. "It's just my dad. You see him all the time."

I sigh. "This is different. I want to do well. I'm not going over there as your friend, I'm going to see him as an employee."

"An intern," he corrects me.

"Same thing," I say.

We sit down together at the table and start eating our breakfast. I glance at the clock a couple of times as I wait for a special call that I am expecting. Well, actually it's for Benji—but never mind that for now. It should ring soon.

"You seem nervous," he laughs. "Are you okay, B?"

I nod a couple of times. "Sure," I say. "Just had a few too many cups of coffee, so I'm a little jumpy."

"What time did you wake up?"

"Like, three hours ago."

"Damn, B, I thought this was a vacation." He smirks. "Why are you up so early all the time?"

"I'm having trouble sleeping," I admit.

"Yeah, I wouldn't know since you stopped sleeping in my bed," he casually says.

I sigh. "Are you still mad about that? I told you that I need some time."

"Away... from me?" He wonders.

"Not exactly. I just need some time alone. I have been really stressed lately and I honestly I prefer sleeping by myself. I don't exactly like sharing a bed."

"I don't think anyone does," he concludes. "But I like sharing one with you. It's comforting."

"Eventually, we will again," I say. "But not yet."

I am over the fight with Benji but I think I'd go insane if I saw him twenty-four hours a day. After the fight, I realized it would be good to take a healthy break.

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