Chapter 38: Pink Champagne

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I start getting ready for Benji's big party. I've been to a ton of his birthday parties before and to say they are extravagant is an understatement. I slip on my new blue dress and start doing my makeup. I add a tiny bit of blue eyeshadow on my lids and a touch of black mascara. I smooth my lips with cherry lipgloss before slipping in a dangly pair of silver earrings.

I text Miles and ask if he is ready to leave soon. He texts me back about five minutes later and tells me that he will meet me out front shortly. I don't even know why I'm bringing Miles, to begin with. It was a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing and Natalie was practically forcing him and Miles wants to come. I'm sure it will be fine.

I slide into my black high heels... yes, high heels, and head downstairs. I see Miles waiting by a cab and he smiles at me from a distance.

"You look stunning," he says.

I blush. "Thanks. You look good yourself."

We hop into the cab and before we know it, are parked outside The Palace—which truly is grand. We head inside and into the room in which the party is being held and it is completely full. Fancy people dressed in even fancier clothes wander around with pink champagne and caviar.

"Wow," Miles says. "This is..."

"I know," I agree.

"Where's your boyfriend?" He asks as we pour ourselves a drink.

I search the room but am unable to locate Benji. "I actually don't know." I pull out my phone to text him and wait for his response.

Miles and I sit down at a table as we wait for Benji to appear. We talk amongst each other for a bit as we swallow yet another drink of champagne.

"I thought you didn't drink," I remember. "You said you've never had a drink in your life."

"True," he says. "But this is some expensive ass champagne. I'd be an idiot not to take advantage of it," he jokes.

I laugh. "I hope you're having a good time. I know this isn't really your scene."

"How do you know this isn't my scene?" He asks with a smile.

I shrug. "Is it?"

"No," he says with a laugh. "But I don't mind trying something new. Plus, I want to meet the infamous Benji."

"He isn't infamous," I say. "Play nice, okay?"

"Of course I'll be nice," he says. "There's no reason for me not to."

Ten minutes later, Benji's mother pops up in the front of the room with a microphone and an announcement. "Good evening, friends and family, and thank you kindly for making an appearance at my son Benji's nineteenth birthday party!" Everyone claps as Emily continues her little speech. "Please give a warm welcome to my son, Benji."

Benji comes out of a room with Natalie's hands wrapped around his. I can tell he is forcing a smile. My heart drops as I watch everyone cheer for them as people shake his hand like he's the king and she the queen. I swallow my pain with another drink. I shouldn't be feeling this bad at my boyfriend's birthday party but what can I say? He's with another girl.

"Are you okay?" Miles asks me.

I nod. "No."

He chuckles a bit. "Should we go say hi?"

Miles and I approach Benji and Natalie who is finally free after being surrounded by people. Benji and I catch each other's eyes and he smiles genuinely. We meet in the middle and I breathe deeply as I anticipate this encounter.

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