forty three.

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an. surprise double update af

two weeks later

Harry's POV:

I feel a weight on my chest when I wake up from my nap. The rest of my body feels weird because sleeping fully clothed is uncommon for me. When I open my eyes fully, I see that Hails has her head on my chest, above my heart as I've noticed she always does. She must've come in bed after I fell asleep. The rest of her body lies on top of me. We always end up in this position somehow, with her laying on top of me and my arms wrapped around her. Her brown hair fans all around her and I smile. Even asleep she looks like an angel.

My eyes scan over Hayley's room that I've been in many times. It's very her, I can't explain it. I find some sort of comfort in her room, comfort that I missed with being on tour, but luckily we have three weeks in LA before we leave again. 

Asking Hayley to come on tour was the best decision I've ever made. I don't know what I would've done if she didn't come with us. She doesn't know it, but she's the reason I've gotten through all the sleepless nights I've been having.

"Are you staring at me?" Her soft voice brings me out of my thoughts.

"Maybe." I respond and she opens her eyes fully now. I really love her eyes, despite what she says about them.

"Stop." she says bluntly.

"No." I tell her, just because I love hearing her sarcastic responses. She's oddly creative with them and it's like she doesn't have to even think about it.

"Harry, I know I'm the most perfect person you've ever seen but stop being weird." She shuts her eyes again for a moment before she decides to open just one. I continue to admire her even after she shuts her eye once more. "You're really annoying."

"You're so cute when you're sleepy and grumpy."

"I'll be even cuter when I slap you across the head for staring at me." She turns her head from facing right to left.

"Kinky." I want to see where this goes.

Immediately, Hayley opens her eyes and turns to face me. "Harry, I swear to god, you need to touch some grass or something."

"But I have you to fix the problem."

"So you are aware that you have a problem?" She rests her hands on my chest to elevate her body a little more.

I hold her hips and flip us around so I could be on top instead. Her beautiful laugh elicits from her lips; I love her laugh. She continues to smile as she looks up at me, looking back down at her. Gently her hand comes up to the side of my face, her thumb stroking my cheek gently. I love how soft her touch is. And her eyes, her golden eyes. I could get lost in her eyes. My two favourite features of hers are one, her smile and two, her eyes. I love those about her.

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