Interview with old love team😭

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In which Yoongi is invited tl have some interview with his old love team

"Wish me luck babe? "

"Uhm. Good luck babe! See you at the show later. "

Hoseok walked down first so no one will se them together.

Yoongi kept Hoseok hidden for a year now. Not that ge was embarrassed of him, but because his manager frobid him. And that's why he hated him to death. Hoseok would always cry silently if Yoongi was trending in twitter and when his fans ship him to other actor.

He wouldn't know it until ge saw the cctv.


"Let's welcome YOONMIN! (ok I'm sorry. I didn't want to put Jimin as Yoongi's ex but he was the most appropriate for the role! But honestly i liked Yoonmin so much before. Like I even search in Youtube yoonmin moans, and yeah that's kinda perverted HAHAHAH! ) " All of those Yoonmij shippers there screamed.

Hoseok was in the most far part of the crowd already brimmed with tears.

Well Hoseok is always crying because who wouldn't? Ge was worried that Gi might find someone better than him. Like Jimin? He no one compare to him. Jimin is one of the famous korean and he's just a commoner..

"Okay, here's the thing. Jimin told you before that he liked-

"I still like him! " Jimin blushed as the crowd erupted giggles.

"Haha. That's smooth Jim. Okay back to what i am saying. Did you also liked him in any case? " Yoongi acted like he was lost in thought and looked at Jimin.

"Hmm. Yeah. If I'm ready that tine we would be in a relationship. " Hoseok tried really hard to suppress his tears.

"Ohhh!! So now, are you already?!"

"YOONMIN! YOONMIN! YOONMIN! " The crowds cheered causing the botg of them to blush.

"Uhm, " Yoongi spare a glance to who smiled at him. "Yeah! " and that was the last straw. Hoseok walked out and went straight to their house. He locked himself to their room though the door is not locked


"Thank you everyone! We'll be waiting for comeback! Uh no! For the confirmation? Yeah! " Everyone slowly walked out as well as Yoongi and Jimin.

"Bye Jimin, Bye Yoongi, have a safe trip home! " The host said.

The two parted ways and Yoongi went to his mustang. Expecting a Hoseok standing there with an open arms to tell him he great a good job. But there's no one.

Yoongi waited for another 15 minutes, thinking that Hoseok is still inside, havibg a hard time going out because there's so many people. But no hoseoks came to his sight.

Yoongi started to worried when he check the place yet there's no Hoseok. He went home and go straight to their room and there he saw Hoseok. Curled into a ball with a puffy cheeks, pouted lips, puffy eyes, sleeping.

"Hoba? Why did you live early and didn't told me? " Hoseok stirred in his sleeps and woke up immediately.

"Gi, you're here.."

"Uhm yeah. Anywhere else i would be? " Hoseok hugged Yoongi to the point the Yoongi can't breath .

"Ccan't b-breath! " Hoseok loosen the hug but still didn't let go.

"I'm sorry. I thought well be separating, I thought you'll broke up with me since you already saw jimin and already to be in a relationship wi-"

Yoongi locked his lips to Hoseok and they shared a sweet, gentle kiss.

"I would never do that hoba. I love you! And only you! "

"Really? But you tell jimin-"

"It's all acting bub, even jimin, he's in a relationship tooo. "

"Ahh okay I get it now. Can't you just tell them that you have a boyfriend so they won't ship you to anyone else? "

Yoongi frowned and shook his head as no.


"EVERY ONE! I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE! JIMIN AND I WERE NOT DATING AND DON'T LIKE ONE ANOTHER! I HAVE A SPECIAL SOMEONE THAT I WANT TO INTRODUCE TO YOU ALL! " Hoseok's geart started to beat really fast as the crowd screams yes. Hoseok doesn't know about this

"OKAY, BUB COME HERE! DON'T VE SHY! " many people stand up dreaming that they was the boy/girl yoongi was saying. But the guard didn't let them pass.

Not until they saw Hoseok

"EVERYONE! THIS IS HOSEOK! JUNG HOSEOK! SOON TO BE MIN HOSEOK. THAT IS IF HE SAY YES. " Hoseok looked at Yoongi and he gaspes. Yoongi is on his obe knee holding a khaki colored box

"Hoseok, you're the boy I want to spend my life with. Do you mind spending yours woth me? "

"Ofcourse I would! "

"Then, will you marry me? " Hoseok pulled Yoongi up and kissed hin.

"Yes! Yes!"


elp guyssss I fell hard for the boy named, Joseph Simon Araneta Marcos. AHHH! HELP ME GET UO! OR ELSE NO UPDATE TO MATES BSKSJSKSJK

You can't blame me tho. He is the standard:(

Anyways look at my dog hr looks fluffy here

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Anyways look at my dog hr looks fluffy here

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