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The large group of contestants were dismissed about an hour later after Angus and Simon gave them a very long speech about the Bootcamp process and everything they had to get done in those five days. Including singing rehearsals, choreography sessions (which caused some mixed feelings to rise in Avi's gut) and more singing rehearsals.

Recollecting all the records and documents they were asked to prepare for the show tomorrow - which contained a copy of their birth certificate, a biodata application sent by the X-Factor, a full medical report from a family doctor and an authorized temporary leave from their school - Avi stepped out of the room with a big sigh. Fanning herself to get rid of the heat and warmth her body was engulfed in, she took large breaths of air and tried to freed herself of the feeling of suffocating she got by being inside the room for too long without any hydration or any ventilation.

Stepping out of the room right behind a guy who seemed to be in her twenties, one thing she realised was how almost all the people had started to gradually scurry towards the exits as well, creating quite a bit of a rush about the hallway. Everyone looked more than ready to get out of the packed congested stadium to presumably take a stroll around London when it sported a sunny climate (which was often very rare in some possibilities)

And Avi might actually be surprised if people didn't want to get away from here as soon as possible just after listening to a very tedious and bland two-hour lecture about Simon Cowell and how he's constructing the X-Factor to become 'one of the best nationwide reality television series'

The other thing Avi discovered when she finally managed to fully step out of the assemblage was how many people were waiting for contestants outside. Relatives, friends and maybe the whole neighbourhood were there at the stadium for each contestant because damn- that was way too many people for one single person. At least a whole army of six individuals was surrounding one contestant - waving vigorously to catch their attention, calling them over, patting them everywhere like crazy, giving them water, brushing through their hair, doing everything to calm them down and show comfort.

It was like these contestants had their own pit stop in a race. But except for a bunch of mechanics jumping everywhere to make sure the car is refuelled and had all required adjustments in the vehicle - it's just a bunch of overly touchy humans making sure the contestant is hydrated and refreshed?

It was like each person had their own cheer team, hyping them up with every step they took. Although it did look a bit extra and unnecessary to Avi, she had to be honest and agree, she too wished she had her own hype team as well.

Maybe not to force a whole water bottle down her throat or crush her with bear hugs and stain her crewneck with tears - just to maybe make sure she's alright? Avi shook her head as if trying to get rid of her thoughts while beating herself up for sounding so ridiculous with her woolgathering.

It was times like these - overseeing others get support and love from their perspective families - Avi wished she had a good relationship with the people in her household as well.

She too would've given anything for her mother to be there and hold her hand while she went through her auditions. For her father to be cheering with the loudest voice from the side of the stage. For her brother to record her crushing it at the audition (Actually maybe just not that part because Avi can never trust Alden with a camera since he's just too cruel for his own good) But of course, things can't always happen the way you want them to - and especially not when you're Aviana Rae.

She decided to tear her gaze away from all the mild chaos that was occurring in the hallway as she continued to roam around the hallway in hopes of stumbling upon the green room she placed in her bag. Luckily it didn't take her long to find the familiar door that said 'girls' on the top of it. Entering it with a push on the hardwood she realised how it was rather crowded than it was before the meeting.

𝑺𝐈𝐗, One Direction Sixth MemberNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ