1, fifteen

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She had a mouthful of Yungho's hair. His arms were tight around Aviana's waist as he held her up, almost spinning her in the air. If Aviana didn't violently struggle in his arms, forcing him to let go of her, Aviana assumed he would've done it anyway.

"I'm literally so proud of you, what the fuck?" Yungho mumbled into her hair once she was set down on the floor once again, his arms still wrapped around her frame. "So so proud"

"You know they're recording you right now?" Aviana grumbled while trying to break free from his grip, not enjoying the embrace that was too long for her liking. "You're gonna regret this so much when this airs on national TV"

"Don't care" Yungho was heavily set on testing the waters with the affection he was showing Aviana tonight. He had swept her up in an embrace as soon as she stepped down from the stage, not even giving her a chance to talk to the camera first. Now he had plastered himself to Aviana in the whim of feeling an overwhelming sense of affection towards his friend. Bexley was standing right next to them, talking to one of the cameras shoved towards them in hopes of capturing the moment of fleeting happiness and pride.

"Let her go, will you?" Bexley finally spoke up after the cameras had been directed away to the rest of the girls who followed out off the stage in happy tears. She was trying to pry the boy off of Aviana. "I think she's gonna puke if you don't"

"Oh lord, no" Yungho was immediately out of her space, jumping five feet apart while looking down at her clothes with faux concern. "I wore my new UGGs for these, I can't get her disgusting puke on them"

Aviana rolled her eyes at him as Bexley was throwing her own arms around her. She made a face at the boy over Bexley's shoulder before she finally let herself soak in Bexley's hug that embraced her like a warm blanket after a cold day out in the snow.

"You're so talented, it blows my mind" Bexley mumbled in her ear, one of her hands coming up to rest against the back of Aviana's head. Aviana sighed against her shoulder, indulging in her hold a little more knowing this was indeed the calm before the storm that was about to take over her life.

Judges' House.

"Where's the judges' house happening?" Alden's voice from beside them is what finally makes Bexley pull away from her. Surely enough Alden was there, hands in his pockets and trying his best to not look so out of place as he stared at Aviana. "Is it happening in here, London?"

"Well," Aviana started hesitantly, knowing damn well where this conversation was going and where it would eventually end. "The four groups have it on four different locations but-"

"Yours, Aviana" Alden interrupted her, trying to pin her down with his unimpressed gaze. "Where are you having judges' house?"

Aviana gulped, eyes darting to Yungho and Bexley for a moment before they finally stopped on Alden's again. "Berkshire, Ascot"

Aviana swore she saw a flash of pity snap through his eyes before they settled into a much more relentless gaze as he looked at his sister with a sense of understanding. A sneery chuckle left Alden's mouth, his mouth curling into a merciless smile - more condescending than she'd like it to be.

"Who's gonna tell amma you have to go to Berkshire for a week, huh?"

𝑺𝐈𝐗, One Direction Sixth MemberWhere stories live. Discover now