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( ⚠️ : mentions of slight panic attack )

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"Good Morning, everyone! Welcome to the official first day of Bootcamp!"

A petit lady who stood in front of them with a very confident stance and a posture Aviana wished she had, greeted them with a cheerful voice. "I'm coach Letitia" The dark-haired woman introduced herself as the vocal coach assigned to the girls throughout the X-Factor journey. "You guys will be seeing me a lot starting today."

"Oh god, I'm so nervous for today" Avi slowly moved her head to her side, looking at the overly compelling girl before humming distantly, making the latter frown in concern.

Something was wrong.

Cher could sense it as her sisterly sense was tingling in worry.

Having met and spent yesterday with Aviana, it was clear to Cher that she was a very silent girl.

Even though Cher put it aside as the younger being uneasy having to talk to a stranger she'd never met, she could sense that Aviana was naturally a tranquil person.

That is, of course, regardless of her resting face, which was the literal definition of - if looks could kill, you'd be six feet under by now.

Cher's assumption was that Aviana was that one girl you would never approach because of how enraged she looks ( unless you have a death wish ) - but when you finally do have a conversation, you realize, wait, she's not actually planning to set the whole school on fire and sacrifice everyone to the satan 24/7.

To Cher, Avi seemed to be someone who'd never respond to anyone unless she was directly addressed. Someone who won't give a shit about anything unless she is involved in the situation.

Today, Cher could see a vast difference from the Aviana she met the day before.

For starters, Aviana was quiet.

Not quite as in, I'm talking to a stranger. I'm nervous, manner. But quiet in a, I'm not okay, but I'm going to pretend I am, manner.

Aviana seemed fidgety and restless from the outside. Although it could easily pass for nerves before performing in Bootcamp, something told Cher otherwise.

Aviana seemed genuinely scared of something.

Terrified, even.

She kept fiddling with the hem of her long-sleeved t-shirt. Fingers wringing around each other as she made herself busy with the task of cracking her bones.

𝑺𝐈𝐗, One Direction Sixth MemberWhere stories live. Discover now