Night 3

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Let's get it lads.

Phone Guy: "Hello, hello? Hey, you're doing great! Most people don't last this long."

Y/N: That can be taken out of context.

Phone Guy: "Uh, I mean, you know. They usually move onto other things by now. Uh, I'm not implying that they died. T-that's not what I meant."

Y/N: Sure bud.

Phone Guy: "Anyway, I better not take up too much of your time. Cuz, things start getting REAL tonight."

Y/N: Actin like I don't know that.

Y/N decides to mute the dude and check the cameras to see Chica off stage.

Y/N: The night just started and I already get the feeling my virginity is on the line. As well as my dick.

He keeps checking around to see where Chica is and sees her in the bathroom doing her casual seductive pose. He makes mental note of this and checks pirate cove to make sure Foxy doesn't get out. He can't troll her with his powers now. Since Chica is the only out he only checks the right door. And eventually she appears.

Y/N: Nope. Not today.


He goes back and forth on the cameras until Chica leaves but she's just waiting there, staring at him through the window.

Y/N: Can you go? You're kinda draining my power.

She surprisingly leaves and Y/N opens the door. He keeps checking Foxy and the right door with the occasional check to see if Bonnie or Freddi moved. It goes pretty well for a bit, nobody's moving except Chica.


Y/N keeps up the method of checking the kids area, the stage, and the right door making sure Chica doesn't come back. However, next time he checks the stage Bonnie's gone.

Y/N: Shit.

He checks around and sees her in the dining area fingering herself while staring RIGHT at the camera as well as directly into Y/N's eyes as if she knows. Probably thinking about Y/N shoving his- huh? What? Back to explaining.

He makes another mental note that Bonnie's off the stage and changes his strategy. Since both Bonnie and Chica are off the stage, he checks both doors, the kids area, then Freddi on stage. However, he hears a laugh.

Y/N: I'm gonna go ahead and assume that's not a good sign.

He checks the cameras and sees Freddi off stage.

Y/N: Aw fuck. They're all out. Except for Foxy of course.

He keeps the strategy but since he doesn't know how Freddi works he's secretly panicking.


As soon as he opens the camera again he sees Foxy peeking out.

Y/N: Fuck the deepest part of my rectum.

He picks up the speed in his strategy until he sees Foxy about to run.


I'm sure the readers want you to suffer a little bit. And a few of them might wanna see a lemon or 2

Y/N: 'Fuck you.'

Nah, I don't swing that way.

He REALLY picks up the speed in his strategy now.


Y/N is starting to get a little nervous, neither Bonnie or Chica have come to the door in a while, Foxy is about to run, and he has no idea where tf Freddi is or how she works. He keeps the strategy going tho until he sees Bonnie at the door.

Y/N: There you are.

He closes the door and checks on Foxy really quick. Once he puts the camera down she leaves and he opens the door.

Y/N: Can Foxy just run so I have one less thing off my fuckin plate? Jesus.

He checks her again and she's still in her "about to run" position.

Y/N: Fuckin run already!

He checks the doors again and sees Bonnie back. He closes the door.


Y/N: Why won't you leave!?

Bonnie is just chillin at the door. He checks the cameras again and sees Foxy gone meaning she's running to he door. However, it's already closed.

Y/N: HA! Suck it.

Bonnie: We will eventually~

She walks away and Y/N opens the door.

Y/N: Ok, a few seconds of peace. It's 5am, I should have enough power.

He checks the cameras again and sees Foxy about to run again.

Y/N: Oh, what the fuck?

He also hears another laugh and he just assumes that it's Freddi.

Y/N: Freddi wants my meat.

He then hears rapid footsteps coming to the door. He turns to close the door but it's too late. Foxy is at the door.

Foxy: You had a good run. But... It's GAME OVER-



He instantly teleports back to his place and falls asleep on the couch.

That was the first night where Y/N was in danger. Also it's funny how I finished writing this at 6am. Anyway, lmk if you guys liked it or not. See you lads next time, in Night 4.

This is gonna be a "bad time". (FNIA X Sans Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now