Night 5

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Y/N tp's into his office.

Y/N: Alright, let's do this shit.

Little did he know this was about to be the hardest damn thing he's ever done because of one aspect they added without telling him. He opens the cameras and sees that something new was there. Something labelled: "Music Box" and a circle that acted like a timer of sorts. Y/N puts them together in his head and realizes that those fuckheads are REALLY tryna get him to lose.

Y/N: Oh, those motherfuckers.


He quickly makes a new strategy. The new strategy is... don't die. Yeah, he doesn't have a strategy. He just spams Foxy, checks the lights, listen for Freddi's laugh, and occasionally winds up the music box. As soon as 12 hits he gets to working.

Y/N: Ok, they aren't gonna give me time to breathe.

He checks the cameras to make sure Foxy chills tf out and wind up the music box. Surprisingly nothing happens for an hour.


He continues to check everything.

Y/N: Why the fuck is it so quiet?

*Freddi's laugh.*

Y/N: You just HAD to open your fuckin mouth.

He knows that Freddi only moves when she laughs, so that would mean that she's in the dining area. He hears noise coming from the kitchen which means Chica's in there. He does a few more rounds until Bonnie shows up at the door.

Y/N: Hey.

Bonnie: Hi~

He closes the door and gets back to it. Once he checks the cameras again he sees Foxy about to run.

Y/N: Motherfu-

69% (Funny.)

He sees that Bonnie left so he opens the door, he hears Freddi's music box which means she's in the kitchen. He did a little bit of research before coming back, if you're wondering how he knows so much.  He checks everything about 2 more times before Bonnie shows up again. He closes the door and she leaves. The door opens and he continues.


Y/N: This seems pretty uneventful for my last night of the week... I get the feeling that some bullshit is gonna happen.

He hears Freddi's laugh again. He assumes that she just entered the hallway. He checks the east hall corner and sees her staring DAGGERS into his soul.

Y/N: Well fuck.

He closes the door and starts to implement the new strategy, which is closing the right door every time he opens the camera so that Freddi doesn't sneak in, as well as keeping Foxy in check, as well as keeping Bonnie and Chica out, as well as making sure the power doesn't go out, AND AS WELL AS MAKING SURE THIS DAMN MUSIC BOX STAYS WOUND UP, because he doesn't know what happens if it doesn't get wound up. Anyway, he sees Chica at the door so he closes it.

Y/N: There you are. I've been wondering where you were.

She doesn't respond as she just keeps a sultry look on her face. He opens the camera again and sees Foxy gone.

Y/N: Fuck me. Not in that way.

He closes the door and waits until she hits the door. Once she finishes, he opens it back up and checks Chica.

Y/N: Can you go away? You're sucking my power dry.

Chica: No~

She stays there for a few minutes before leaving.


Y/N: I'm gonna be honest, I don't think I'm making it through this one. This music box is just sucking up all the juices... of the power. Get your mind out of the gutter.

He says while looking at a wall (aka you guys reading this.)

Y/N: Where the hell is Bonnie? Normally she's busy trying to gargle on the deepest part of my shaft.

As if on queue, Bonnie shows up.

Y/N: Ah, there you are.

He closes the door and keeps it pushing. He realizes he hasn't checked Foxy in a few minutes and sees that she's gone. She hits the door taking about 6% of the power.

Y/N: Fuckin- *sigh* It's fine. It's fine, it doesn't bother me, it doesn't bother me. It bothers me, it bothers me a lot. WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE!?

Bonnie: I like watching you stress out. Also, isn't there something you haven't checked in a while?

She says as she walks off. Y/N opens the door and tries to figure out what she's talking about but... it's too late. Both doors open. He tries to close them but can't. He hears a melody...

Y/N: What is that melody?

The melody plays for a few seconds before he realizes...

Y/N: ...I forgot the music box... I FORGOT THE MUSIC BOX.

The lights flicker before going out. Once they come back on he looks up to see the Puppet...

Y/N: Uh... hey...

Puppet: Hello Y/N.

Y/N: What brings you to my office?...

Puppet: You seem to have forgotten to wind my music box. Now, it's time to pay the price. Girls!

Y/N: ...What?...

All of the girls walk in.

Y/N: ...Wait... so since I didn't wind the music box... you're ALL gonna have you fun?

Puppet: Well, not me. But they will...

The other 4 look at you with hunger for a certain something...

Y/N: *gulp.* You see... I would love to stay here and talk this out but... I got something out there that I should go check...

He gets up and tries to run out but he can't leave the room, it's like an invisible wall.

Y/N: Well, good luck getting me strapped down before 6AM!

Puppet: No need. I stopped time. And I'm gonna do this...

She somehow puts Y/N back in his chair and he can't move.

Y/N: ...I'm fucked, aren't I?...

Freddi: With a capital F.

The main 4 start to get undressed while Y/N sits there with a tent pitching.

Am I just the CoryxKenshin of Wattpad now? Like I say that I'm back to my normal schedule, then I just dip for a few days and pop out with a new part with no warning. Anyway, seems like the Marionette is stronger than Y/N's plot armor. He has no way of escaping the wrath of these mechanical furries. Find out what happens to him next time on "This is gonna be a 'bad time'." Whenever the hell that comes out because I can never keep my damn promises.

This is gonna be a "bad time". (FNIA X Sans Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now