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It's a normal day. The same as always. You know it by now. Looking at the water, walking around and checking insta again.

But then I get a special message. Well, from someone special. I immediately open the message.

(Chat between Harry and Louis)

@harrystyles: he
@harrystyles: I meant hey, oops

@louist91: hi

@louist91: wait, oh my god

@louist91: no, this can't be real.

@louist91: i'm dreaming 

@harrystyles: You are not dreaming. Well, unless I'm dreaming too

@louist91: imagine the harry styles is dreaming about you

@louist91: not to be rude or anything, but why are you texting me?

@harrystyles: I wanted to ask you something

@louist91: and that is?

@harrystyles: are you okay? because you're always saying that you're not feeling alright and all that.

@louist91: wow, it just seemed like you cared how i'm doing.

@harrystyles: I just did

@louist91: well, don't worry about me. it doesn't matter

@harrystyles: what do you mean it doesn't matter?

@louist91: it doesn't matter how i feel, it's not like i'm that important in this world

@harrystyles: everybody is important. you're family loves you, I already know that

@louist91: you don't, because it's not true. They don't love or even care about me
@harrystyles: that is not true

@louist91: stop saying that

@louist91: it is true

@louist91: if they loved or cared about me, they wouldn't let me live on the streets

@louist91: and i probably shouldn't have said that

@harrystyles: Wait, what? They let you live on the street? Why would they do

@louist91: because i'm bisexual

@harrystyles: That's sick, they're sick. I'm sorry to say that about you're parents, but that's the truth

@harrystyles: Can I help you with anything?

@louist91: why would you help me?

@harrystyles: Because you can't sleep on the streets, nobody can. And if I can help that, then I want to do that for you

@louist91: don't bother, it's okay.

@louist91: i'm used to it by now

@harrystyles: You shouldn't be

@louist91: but i am, so it's okay really

@harrystyles: I have to go now, Louis. But I'm going to help you, no matter what you say. And don't think it's okay to be living on the streets, it's not and your parents are sick to even kick their own son out.

@louist91: can't argue with that

@harrystyles: So, I'll text you alright?

@louist91: this really feels like a dream, but alright you do that.

@harrystyles: Bye Louis

@louist91: bye harry

This really isn't real. I'm just waiting for me to wake up and see that we didn't text at all and that I'm just imagining it.

But I never woke up, because I already was.

Instagram love story [English version] Where stories live. Discover now