Ch 3: The first contest

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You watched as the X floated to the top of a pillar that wasn't there before. Everyone started to complain since they wanted to start competing.

The tree went up to tell four to quit his shenanigans but got screeched at. The clock did the same thing and got screeched at. But Four interrupted himself, leaving the clock dizzy.

"Uh oh, look! X is about to lose grip of his beloved baskets!" Four said as X lost grip of his baskets.

"The last team to give X his basket will be in deep trouble." Four said.

The lollipop went up to Four, telling them it would be easier if X gets down from the tall pillar. They also got screeched.

You went up to the tree and dragged them over towards your team. The tree recovered from the screech shortly after.

You noticed your team wasn't doing much. You started thinking about how your team would get a basket to X.

"Hold up, what did Four say we had to do?" The pen asked the black hole.

"We have to return a basket back to X." The black hole replied.

"Okay!" The pen said, turning to face a basket.

The pen took a deep breath and blew in the direction of a basket. You thought that it wasn't going to work, since the pen is too far away from the basket.

To your surprise, it did work, and the basket flew into X's hands. You stared in confusion, not understanding how that worked.

"I got it!" X shouted.

"Death PACT is safe!" Four announced.

Everyone on your team cheered except for you. You didn't understand how that managed to work.

The pen then went around the team high-fiving everyone on the team. As you were thinking, you notice the pen walking up to you.

"High five!" The pen said.

You raised your hand, and you both high-fived. You smile a bit, feeling a bit welcomed to your team.

You took a water bottle from your backpack, along with a sandwich. You ate the sandwich and drank from the water bottle. You waited for the rest of the teams to finish, which felt like forever.

"[Eight names at once] is safe!]" Four announced.

"No mercy for Iance." Four said.

Four and X then went on to talk about voting for the 'viewers'.  That made you wonder how they were even recording the entire thing, and where they would post it. You decide to forget about that for now, since you couldn't do anything about it.

You spent some time getting to know everyone and their names. While you are learning everybody's name, you notice that the sun is setting.

"Attention everyone!" Four shouted, getting everyone's attention.

"I've created 8 homes for each of your teams to stay in. So hurry up and find your team's home!" Four yelled with a hint of excitement.

You went to go find your team's home, which is right next to the bathrooms. You enter the home, looking around the interior. There is a kitchen, living room, and dining room, along with a hallway.

You walk down the hallway, noticing each door has a name on it. You found the door with your name and entered.

There is a single bed, dresser, and nightstand, along with a desk and chair. There is also another door next to the desk. You go through the door, which leads to a bathroom.

You set down your backpack on the ground. Then you put your phone, phone charger, and battery bank on the nightstand.

You notice an outlet right next to the nightstand. You took your phone charger and plugged it into the outlet, then into your phone.

You open the dresser, noticing pairs of the same clothes you're currently wearing. There are also a few pairs of pajamas.

You felt a bit shocked, they were the same clothes and size. You don't know how Four knew your exact size, but you decided not to question it. It meant that you didn't have to worry about wearing dirty clothes.

You took a pair of pajamas and took a shower. When you finish your shower, you change into the pajamas. You get into bed, feeling the comfort of the mattress.

You then drift off into sleep, wondering how you'll get back home.

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