Ch 8: How durable is a human?

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After the contest, the rest of Death P.A.C.T wondered why you ran off in a hurry. But they decided to not bother you and wait until tomorrow.

When the next day dawned, the objects were sitting in the living room. You had already eaten breakfast, and were enjoying yourself on the floor.

"So... uh y/n, why did you suddenly run off during the contest yesterday?" Pen asked.

"Well, after the 50 full rotations of the swing, I was feeling nauseous. Then I had the feeling of vomiting, and ran into my bathroom to vomit." You explained.

The objects stared in confusion. They knew about vomit, mostly because of Rocky. But nausea was something entirely different.

"Now, if you'll excuse me. I want to go out and walk for a while." You said as you stood up and walked out the door.


The objects had no idea what to think. They sat in silence, trying to figure out what y/n meant by nausea. But none of them had any clear answers.

"Y/n became nauseous, because he was on our team swing which rotated 50 times?" Pie questioned.

"That's what he said. But, none of us felt nauseous. We were just fine." Remote said.

"Uh... is nausea a thing that can only affect humans?" Liy asked.

"Wait! Can y/n even be recovered?" Bottle asked, in a somewhat serious manner.

The others stopped and stared at Bottle. She was right, they had no clue if Four could recover y/n. They thought for a bit, but none of them had any ideas. Eventually, the silence was broken.

"Maybe we should ask Four if he can recover y/n or not?" Tree asked.

The others nodded in agreement, and set out to find Four. On their way, Black Hole joined them. Then, they found X who is standing near the bathrooms. They decided to ask him about where Four was.

"Hey X, do you know where Four is?" Pillow asked.

"Oh... well he's not really doing anything. Why do you ask?" X questioned.

"We just want to him about y/n, and if he can be recovered."  Tree replied.

"Huh? Did y/n die or something?" X said nervously.

"No, of course not. He's still alive. We're just curious." Pen said.

"Oh, phew. Well, Four is in a pretty good mood right now. So if you want to ask him anything, now would be the time." X said, then pointed at Four in the distance.

The objects walked over towards Four. He didn't seem to be doing much, staring off in the distance.

"Hey Four? Can we ask you something?" Tree asked.

"Sure! Go ahead. But I have something important to attend to soon, so I'll only answer a few of your questions." Four said, sounding a bit grumpy at the end.

The objects quicky discussed the few questions that they would ask Four. They needed to get as much information with the few questions they could ask.

"Well, are you able to recover y/n? Just like us objects?" Tree questioned.

"Why? Did he die or something?" Four asked.

"No, he didn't. But we just want to know if you're able to." Liy said.

Four took a deep breath, and looked off in the distance. He took a moment to think to himself. Then he looked back at the objects.

"I'm able to recover y/n. But, it takes a lot more time and energy." Four replied.

"Huh? what do you mean?" Black Hole said.

"How do I explain this... Y/n is a lot different then you objects. They have organs and body parts that keep them alive. I have to make sure they're perfect each time." Four explained.

Four then went into greater detail, since otherwise the objects wouldn't understand otherwise. When he finished explaining, the objects silently nodded to each other.

"So... how long would it take for you to recover y/n if he did die?" Pillow asked, as she flipped to a new sheet of paper on her clipboard.

"Hm... I haven't thought of that. I'd say probably a day if I focused on it. Possibly a few days if I didn't." Four replied.

"Uh... what else? Oh, I know! How easily can y/n be injured?" Remote asked.

"He can get injured pretty easily, along with getting sick. But his body is able to heal itself over time." Four explained.

"Now, your time is up. So please leave me alone, I have important business to attend to." Four said, as he then teleported away.

Team Death P.A.C.T walked away, while Pillow was still writing on her clipboard. They felt relieved that y/n can be recovered, but also a bit worried.

"So y/n can be recovered. It just takes Four a lot longer." Liy said.

"Plus, he can get injured if he isn't careful." Tree added on.

The objects returned near their team's home. They sat down, feeling the soft breeze of air flowing against them.

They learned a lot about humans, and how they function. It was weird, but it would help them with understanding their human teammate.

"Wait... so are humans durable, or are they fragile? We never really answered this." Black Hole asked.

The objects started to think for a while, and discussed. It took them a while, but they reached their conclusion.

"Well, humans and their bodies are able to heal themselves over time according to Four. But they can also be injured easily. So, I'd say that they're fragile, but resilient." Remote said.

The objects then went on their day, having fun with their friends. Meanwhile, the human practiced their cooking in the kitchen after their long walk.

An unfamiliar world (BFB x Male Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ