Ch 17: Questions without answers

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You were in the bathtub, enjoying yourself. You didn't know why you didn't take a lot of warm baths earlier. But nether the less, you were enjoying yourself while you could since the next contest was happening soon.

When you went outside after drying off and dressed, you noticed that cake at steak was already happening. Or at least that's what seemed to be happening, as Donut had his hands through a camera.

He was talking with Better namers with the help of Tv. So you went to talk with Pie, since you needed to pass the time. Then you heard a scream, and looked at Donut. His hands were inside of the camera, and he seemed to be in pain.

You shrugged your shoulders and went back to talking with Pie. Then you heard Donut yelling at the camera, so you looked over once again.

"I MEAN, there's only one way to unite both sides of the world! This is how." Donut shouted and then stared to push the Earth into the camera.

"Oh you've got to be kidding..." You said, as you felt the ground move underneath you.

"Okay, okay! Get in there Pie and Y/n! You too Yellow Face! YOU TOO TREE!" Donut said, as you then got pushed through the other side of the camera and onto the moon.

You couldn't breath, and you blood felt as if it was boiling and your consciousness slip away. A few of the objects and your friends noticed, and tried to help you. But there wasn't much they could do.

Soon enough, the Earth's surface was on the moon and Tv came landed near Donut.

"Done. You guys wanted to get back to Earth? It's right here." Donut said, as everyone transitioned from the Moon to Earth.

You were still barely conscious, feeling the oxygen start to return to your body. You weren't sure how you didn't die, but you were lucky, although you were in pain.

"Is y/n okay? Check if he's breathing!" Pen shouted.

You then felt someone touch your chest, around where your heart was.

"He's still breathing. I checked his pulse." Pie said.

"He looks... terrible. What happened to him?" Cloudy asked.

"Well... according to my calculations, there's no oxygen in space. We don't need oxygen to survive, but humans do!" Golf Ball stated.

"So... you're telling me Donut nearly killed y/n?" Pie said, then entirely of Death P.A.C.T except for you stared at Donut.

Then you started to sit up, your team looking back at you. Pen and Tree helped you sit up, since you needed help. Your lungs were in pain, and your whole body felt terrible.

"I'm still alive... somehow." You said, then realized that the Earth's surface was right above the Moon.

"Why am I not surprised...?" You said, holding your face with your hands.

Donut and Team Better Namers did Cake at steak while your team made sure you were alright. You weren't feeling 100%, but you weren't going to die.

"Do you feel good? Do you think you can walk?" Tree asked you.

"Give y/n a bit. He's still recovering." Pie said.

"I think he needs a break. Let's hope that the next contest isn't too tough..." Black Hole said.

Turned out that Eight Ball was eliminated at Cake at Steak, and got crushed by the moon as means of elimination. Then Saw accidently inhaled the fumes that were left behind from 8-Ball being crushed.


Since you were in terrible shape, your team decided that it would be best for you to recover rather than to participate in the contest. So Pen and Tree dragged you over towards the contest area.

Donut explained that the next contest was a quiz show. Each of the teams had a buzzer, which would be used to buzz in to answer the question. All your team had to do was get a single question right in order to be safe, which was the same for the other teams.

"Question one! Ooba wooba grooba shmooba?" Donut said.

"Huh?!" Bubble shouted in confusion as Pen hit your team's buzzer.

"Frooba dwooba!" Pen said confidently.

"Correct! Death P.A.C.T. is safe!" Donut announced.

Your team wanted you to recover at home, since the team is safe from elimination. But you wanted to stick around and listen to the other questions.

"Question two! Queeky beeky, floop floop?" Donut said.

"Zop sap?" Bubble nervous after pressing her team's buzzer.

"That's such a silly answer, 'Zop Sap?' Pahaha!" Firey said.

"Yeah Bubble, that's wrong." Donut said.

Eventually you listened to all the questions, there was only two you would've gotten correct. Those being 1+1 and the past tense of eat. You also overheard Bubble getting yelled at by Match.

You wanted to talk to Bubble, but Pen and Tree walked you into your bedroom. Which was fair enough, since you felt tired at the moment.

"I appreciate the help you two... I really do." You said, as you got into your bed.

"Just making sure you don't die is all." Tree said.

"You uh... really need some rest. I don't know, none of of really get affected by space." Pen said.

"Well... I'm lucky to be alive. Heh... thanks though, for helping me." You said as you closed your eyes.

"We should let him rest. Although I'm a bit worried." Pen said as him and Tree left the room.

You then slept for a few hours, and then woke up. You were feeling a lot better, and could walk without any problems. Although your head was a bit foggy, but other than that you were okay.

You got out of bed slowly, and walked out of the home. Your teammates figured you were feeling better since you were walking. You went to try and find Bubble, since you wanted to talk to her after seeing her being yelled at by Match.

Eventually you managed to find her, sitting alone in the middle of the field of grass. So you walked up to her and sat down.

"Hey, uh... I noticed that you got yelled at by Match during the contest... Is everything alright?" You asked.

"Um... no. Match got mad at me for not knowing the answers... and demoted me to a Bemb..." Bubble said, sounding upset.

"Oh..." You said, then spaced out for a bit.

"It's just... It's... complicated. We had a wonderful alliance. Pencil, Match, Book, Ice Cube, Ruby and me. But it's all gone downhill ever since Bfdia..." Bubble said.

Then suddenly Fanny walked up next to you and Bubble. She didn't seem angry, but still looked angry for some reason.

"Bubble, I should tell you. Match got mad at you for not knowing those answers. But in truth, she didn't know the answers herself! What a hypocrite." Fanny said.

"Oh, thanks for telling me!" Bubble said.

The three of you talked for the rest of the day. Eventually you became friends with Bubble and Fanny, soon parting ways as nighttime came around.

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