Ch 16: Stress and Comfort

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You managed to get you hands on a knife and hammer from Cloudy's collection since he let you have them after freeing him from the bandages that were wrapped around him. They were far better weapons than the pocket knife that you carried. You created a few targets out of wood and a bit of paint.

Right now, you were throwing your knife and hammer at the targets as a means of recreation from 25 feet away. However your activity wouldn't go unnoticed...

"What are you doing?" Black Hole asked, floating next to you.

"I'm... having fun." You responded, throwing your knife at the target, missing by a bit.

"Fun..? But, you're just throwing a knife and hammer at a few targets." Black Hole responded.

You sighed, realizing that you'd have to explain what you were doing to your friend.

"This is target practice, a sort of entertainment from where I'm from. It's meant to increase accuracy. Although it's usually with a bow or firearm." You explained.

"So... you're just trying to hit the middle of the target?" Black Hole questioned.

"Pretty much. It gives a feeling of satisfaction when you do manage to hit the center of the target." You said.

Then you threw your knife, missing completely. You then sat down and looked at the ground, sighing.

Black Hole floated in front of you, not to close that he'd suck you up through. You both stayed like that, until the silence was broken.

"Is something wrong?" Black Hole asked.

You slowly nodded your head. You sighed again, lifting your head to look at Black Hole.

"I'm well... this'll sound selfish... But I'm worried that the contest will become far too dangerous for me. I mean... during the last contest, everyone was fighting because of Loser's elimination and I was afraid that I'd be attacked." You explained.

"I mean, I don't blame you for being worried about your own safety. But what about the paper air planes? You almost died, but I saved you." Black Hole responded.

"Yeah... that one was also dangerous. But... who knows how dangerous these challenges will get?" You said, standing up and walking around in circles.

"I just... don't know anymore. Things around here are chaotic at times. I try to just go with it, but I can't when my life gets put at risk." You continued, looking at the ground.

"Gosh... I sound so selfish..." You said, facepalming yourself.

"I mean... it's not really selfish. You're not from here after all. It makes sense that you'd do your best to keep yourself alive. Besides, it's part of out team's goal to prevent death." Black Hole said, causing you to smile a bit.

"Yeah. That's right. I suppose it's not being me being selfish. More like self preservation." You replied, looking back at Black Hole.

"So about that hammer and knife..." Black Hole said.

"Its for self defense. Just incase I get attacked. If and even when that happens, I will only try to incapacitate, I won't go for the kill." You explained, picking uo the hammer and knife.

"Okay. Just don't go around killing anyone alright?" Black Hole said.

You nodded your head in agreement.

"So like... I was curious about how food tastes. Since you know... I can't taste anything." Black Hole said.

"Oh uh... sure. I suppose I can do that." You said, quickly getting some food on a plate from your team's home and bringing it back.

You then discussed food and how taste is important when it comes to eating and cooking food. It did seem a bit silly talking about food with a Black Hole that can suck up entire planets, but it was kind of relaxing.

"But spicy food is well, it's alright. So long as it isn't too spicy to the point where it burns my mouth." You said, frowning slightly.

"You talked about food and not eating too much of the same thing. Why is that?" Black Hole questioned.

"Well... it's sort of like doing the same thing over and over, it gets boring after a while. Same with eating the same food, although it doesn't taste as good. That's why it's necessary to eat different kinds of food all the time." You explained.

"That makes sense. I wish I could taste food. But sadly I can't." Black Hoke said.

"I mean, maybe we can have Four use his powers to allow you to taste things? I don't know. I wonder what makes Four so... violent." You said.

"Who knows. Maybe we should ask about that after the competition ends." Black Hole said.

You nodded your head, then looked around for a bit. Then you looked back at Black Hole.

"I would hug you... if it didn't kill me. Do you not wish that you were able to kill people so easily. " You said.

"Yeah... I wish I didn't kill everything that I get close to. It's just... awful." Black Hole said.

"Maybe we can also do something about that as well? With Four's help?" You suggested.

"Heh... maybe." Black Hole responded.

The two of you continued to talk throughout the day, enjoying eachothers company...

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