Answers+fun facts

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Gay_idiot620: Does Sataro like cats?

Absolutely Sataro adores animals, especially cats, and the love sataro, animals following sataro is not a new thing. However, it will be important later. To be more straightforward tho they are a cat person.

Piper_hybrid: What's sataro's sexuality?

I'd like to keep it open for people to still see themselves as sataro, but if I had to label it, they'd be, panromantic, but asexual. Seeing anyone in their age range as a love interest as long as they have a decent personality and finding sex to be something they don't care about or want, they will however of course make loads of dirty jokes to surprise people.

Fun facts:

Like i said, animals like sataro and seem to follow Sataro-San everywhere for no reason

Sataro-San loves to read, but usually, they can be found reading poorly written fanfics for fun, that or soul crushing stories, especially when its by a person who says, "isn't my first language."

Sataro-San has a strangely weak immune system and horrible allergies

Sataro's favorite hero is backdraft, and they have merch to prove it.

Sataro is very picky about physical touch, where, why, and who matters most.

Sataro San was a ...unironic...uwu kid...

Sataro San jokingly flirts but can't handle it in return, not even a little.

Huge nerd, absolutely a bafoon of a nerd with comics, completely a doofus.

They have their ears pierced! But never use them... luckily, they got them when they were young, so they never really closed.

Hates carrots, no real reason they just hate em.

Found out they had a shellfish allergy by eating a shrimp straight out of the mud bank, dirt, and all. They were maybe 5 at that point.

Has a gallery folder strictly for reaction memes.

Likes to cook, will, and has fought bakugou for kitchen time.

Sometimes, they make extra lunches just in case anyone forgets.

Has matching bracelets with eri, and aizawa.

Small chapter but fun none the less for me. Stay safe.

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